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JerseyCityNJ t1_ixon29t wrote

But... but... if you build more apartments then rent prices are guaranteed to go down! SuPpLy and DeMaNd (sarcasm).

I literally got into it with PhD level economics scholars explaining that supply and demand doesnt work when all new builds collude to set prices... and the prices are ALWAYS set to HIGH! But what do I know... I'm just an average joe who lives in the real world and has eyeballs.


JeromePowellAdmirer t1_ixqx58r wrote

Explain why rents are lower in new buildings in Harrison and across the country (all of which use this collusion software) without mentioning supply or demand.


Ilanaspax t1_ixp25x7 wrote

We just need to build more luxury housing to fix the problems caused by building more luxury housing. Simple as.
