
JerseyCityNJ t1_jdv3hvs wrote

No clue, last I heard, it should have been open in Fall of 2022.

The radio silence (from the city) is frustrating.


JerseyCityNJ t1_jbn4cz3 wrote

Wtf? Have you seen Ferris High School? Half the land is a massive FIELD. Furthermore, when I went to (another) highschool, we didn't have a football team because we didn't have a football field and everyone turned out okay. City schools can't accommodate EVERY single sport... However, I'm pretty sure that Ferris is one of the few schools that does have enough room for a baseball field on its property already!


JerseyCityNJ t1_ja3jsrp wrote

You forgot about the Jollibee. Other than that, you are 100% correct.

The notion that this museum will be some world class destination is delusional.

Think about it... you are a tourist... you have limited time and money to see the sights in NYC on a long weekend. Are you really going to skip the MET, MOMA, or Guggenheim to get on a PATH train and take the long detour through Hoboken before finally heading towards JSQ to see art in some building situated between a Target and a bus depot?


JerseyCityNJ t1_j6n1hkd wrote

Hoboken =/= Jersey City.

My entire point in my original comment summarized: back in the day JC residents could board trains IN JERSEY CITY and travel to neighboring towns west of the Hackensack River and even ride halfway across the country with no transfers. Now, people from Jersey City need to schlep to Hoboken or somewhere else to catch an actual train. This is inferior and less convenient.

Do you disagree???


JerseyCityNJ t1_j63gfoi wrote

I hate, Hate, HATE the fact that JC residents need to cross into another state or city to take a train to NEW JERSEY locations.

Jersey City folks used to be able to catch a train at Pavonia Newport and ride all the way to Chicago. There used to be train lines to all sorts of NJ locations staring in Jersey City. Have you seen the train terminal in Liberty Park? There were like half a dozen such terminals all along the waterfront.

Now? Now we need to bend the knee to Hoboken, Newark, or cross state lines to NYC to get anywhere west of the Hackensack River. Oh how the mighty have fallen ....


JerseyCityNJ t1_iy4vut4 wrote

I see more crime in JSQ during daylight, so night should be fine.

Assaults, OD's, purse snatchings, shoplifting, harassment, etc. ALL happened while the sun was out. (not kidding!)

Even criminals gotta sleep, I suppose.


JerseyCityNJ t1_ixon29t wrote

But... but... if you build more apartments then rent prices are guaranteed to go down! SuPpLy and DeMaNd (sarcasm).

I literally got into it with PhD level economics scholars explaining that supply and demand doesnt work when all new builds collude to set prices... and the prices are ALWAYS set to HIGH! But what do I know... I'm just an average joe who lives in the real world and has eyeballs.