Submitted by NTend7777 t3_z85ht6 in jerseycity
The_Nomadic_Nerd t1_iy9znl5 wrote
People need to start taking elections more seriously. I genuinely hate the people that voted for those "education Matters" candidates. They vote for a bigger budget, yet the schools continue to be shit.
Edit: I accidentally wrote “Change for Children” before when that was the good voting block. My bad.
Scoochiez t1_iya1jw4 wrote
I have no idea how they got elected? It blows my mind that $33k per child is not enough for this administration
doglywolf t1_iyaaw36 wrote
What !! is it really that much??? It can't be
so for a class of 20 that $660,000 lets say there are 8 classes of 20 for a "group that they break them into " that requires 9 teachers ..lets say 10 teachers plus 2 admins per group all costing 200k including benefits. That 2million . Leaving 3.28 million per group. Most grades have multiple groups.
No taxes on city own buildings - littler over a million a year in maintenance needed per building that that's a sample size of 160 students and there are far more then that per grade. let say 1.28 in maintenance fees and greenkeeping .
Leaving 2 million - take into account security and other admins and where the hell does the rest of that go if the building , programs and staff is paid for with that already.
I understand there is construction cost and student program cost like sports and such .
I would love to see an indepth look at their budget and see where all the money is going. Isnt a large part of the new construction city funded from separate pot?
If that number is true that is nuts.
Scoochiez t1_iyad91p wrote
Sorry i was wrong, it's $38,280 per child.
$976M BOE budget and 25496 JC students.
Talk about corruption
EyesOnImprovement t1_iyaiqhh wrote
Can any of you geniuses tell me where that number comes from. Not where you read it, but how that number is arrived at?
Scoochiez t1_iyakj0l wrote
Are you suggesting the two numbers I provided are incorrect or that you don't know simple math?
fastAFguy t1_iyami9z wrote
It’s more students than that since charter schools are not included in the totals. For charters, they educate students at about $17,000 per capita. A good thing when compared to Jersey City schools.
VanWorst t1_iyanmxl wrote
25496 ) 976000000
doglywolf t1_iyedy4u wrote
these numbers are meaningless without context of all your deductions.
Your asking for context but then just throwing numbers out as a point with no context .
What point are you trying to make there?
hardo_chocolate t1_iyah0nj wrote
It’s simple:
- No show jobs.
- Contractors and consultants.
mooseLimbsCatLicks t1_iya9s5m wrote
Pretty sure they all lost. Education matters slate wins every time.
The_Nomadic_Nerd t1_iyaywb5 wrote
Oh my bad. I forgot which one was which. I just knew to vote for the group with Alexander Hamilton
robin_tern t1_iyb0wi7 wrote
It was the Education Matters slate who mostly voted for the the bigger budget, not Change for Children.
The_Nomadic_Nerd t1_iyb4n9b wrote
My bad
red__what t1_iyaleht wrote
change for THEIR children
robin_tern t1_iyb1c74 wrote
Change for Children were the ones against the tax rises. Education Matters is the teacher's union backed slate who voted to increase your taxes.
How can you hope to get the outcome you want if you can't even keep straight which side is which?
SyndicalistCPA t1_iyd0jr9 wrote
Yeah, man, let's demonize the teacher's union. Dork.
robin_tern t1_iyd1ifa wrote
While I do think they are demons, my above post was a dispassionate statement of facts, no demonization there.
SyndicalistCPA t1_iyd3z8g wrote
You deadass sign-off your comments with Robin? You absolute dork.
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