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madaser123 t1_iutexfk wrote

What do u mean by that? Which kids cannot get educated at home. Like I said my mom/dad came from Pakistan with no formal education. I did the workbooks on my own. I did get lucky because my parents could afford kumon.

However we have access to khan academy. Youtube. Plenty of resources that were not available before. Education is power and now it is available online. I know parents can be busy but we have to make time for our children.

We have to stress to our children that education is their job just like parents have jobs. This is why certain ethnicities Asian communities go very hard in education. I think some parents kinda just want to believe school is supposed to educate them. That is unfair because teachers are different and students are different. As parents we cannot shirk our responsibility to others including education. I'm not saying teachers are not supposed to do their jobs. I'm saying they have 20 plus students at time and their job is difficult as well. We got to do better as parents for education. America has declined significantly in terms of education for our kids


ThenIGetAChipwichOK t1_iutg9a6 wrote

Sure, parents have responsibilities, but kids can’t help who they’re born to, and some of them are born to parents who don’t care, or aren’t capable of caring, or whatever, and that’s part of why we have compulsory and free public education in this country. When parents don’t or can’t meet their children’s educational needs it’s not the parents who get punished, it’s the kids.


Jadien t1_iuthj5i wrote

Whether or not the parents can, many won't. And your children will live their lives surrounded by their children, and it may greatly benefit your children for them to be surrounded by at least partially educated people.