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[deleted] t1_iv28ump wrote



Remarkable_Debate866 OP t1_iv298zi wrote

Well it would be great to have a law like NYC does for bird proof glass. But I found this bird near a home in the Heights.


[deleted] t1_iv30e6q wrote



Remarkable_Debate866 OP t1_iv3jwd9 wrote

Thanks for responding! For bird proof glass, there are easy fixes that wouldn’t grind anything to a halt. I recommend American Bird Conservancy or NYC Audubon for more info. This is one area where individual actions can help, by bird proofing your windows and showing support for policies. And taking about it and raising awareness about turning off lights during spring and fall migration makes a difference.


Yolo_420_69 t1_iv533cq wrote

Lol stray and outdoor house cats are the real problem. Outdoor house cats should be illegal imo.

If any other animal killed like they do. The state would allow open season on them like the south does pigs


Remarkable_Debate866 OP t1_iv5prny wrote

They are a problem. This post was about a different threat that kills a lot of birds and I hope people take action on one or both.