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OP t1_ivdbdfe wrote

I'll give you multiple real examples I've seen in just the past two years (I've been a teacher 10 plus years)

In my district (NYC DOE) they just spent millions of dollars on testing. We, the teachers, administer these computerized tests to students multiple times a year to "track them". The students do not take the tests seriously because they are not graded. Nothing is done with the results. The tests themselves are not even measuring anything meaningful. AND it takes away from class time where the kids are learning.

Second example -- they bought every teacher an ipad. But they loaded the iPads with all this security software that prevents it from being useful. Teachers cannot download the actual software we use in our classrooms. So every classroom has an iPad in it that none of us can use. It's just an expensive paperweight. Has they told me what I wanted for my classroom I would have purchased a MacBook with the appropriate software.


t1_ivgiq37 wrote

So you work in NYC? What does that have to do with JCBOE? I am against the tests too and am hopeful that JCBOE will be a little less focused on them now that they are no longer under state control. People here talk about transparency without mentioning that it was the state who was responsible for everything the JCBOE did for years.


t1_ive1977 wrote

And how exactly is voting for the Change for Children slate going to fix these things?


t1_ivdcd14 wrote

aaaaaah, the NYC teacher knows the inner workings of the JC board. got it.


OP t1_ivdcnqp wrote

I'm not saying I know the inner workings of this district (sorry if that wasn't clear).

I'm just saying that throwing money doesn't fix anything.

I can also tell from all the edu buzz words written on the campaign flyers for "education matters" that they have no idea what they are talking about


t1_ive1e1s wrote

Have you seen the Change For Children flyers? They actually say nothing. So I can't even tell that they don't know what they're talking about...because they're not talking.


t1_ivgvc3p wrote

Haha, com'on man. It's a flyer!

I literally have an education matters flyer with a sketchy filter picture of Lefrak with Trump (all helpfully labeled) with a few sentences about he's the worst, and 2 sentences of platitudes that the Education Matters folks will build a bright future & improve accountability.

The Change for Children flyer is a bit less shock, but similarly has a few news lines about taxes and failing students, with a blurb about helping children and taxpaying citizens.

They're more the same in content than different.


t1_ivf3ix9 wrote

Not sure why you are being downvoted. She said she would give us two examples and then gave examples of schools in NYC.


t1_ive1asf wrote

Exactly. Probably married to a Jersey City Real Estate developer.
