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G_Funk_Error t1_ix7reng wrote

I admire the brave soul who bikes on communipaw.


JCwhatimsayin t1_ix82p3j wrote

It would be nice if they made the connection between Pacific and the path through Berry Lane park, at least. In my experience, these days, drivers can't really get up much speed on most stretches of Communipaw, so it feels a little less dangerous.


Muchamuchacha42 t1_ix93ii6 wrote

I biked Communipaw yesterday. Not pleasant and not safe for kids or inexperienced riders. Definitely wide enough for a bike lane and would go a long way toward connecting the west side with downtown and several parks: Berry Lane Park, Lafayette Park and city swimming pool, and Liberty State Park. I can’t imagine any of the kids on my block getting to the pool without a car even though it’s only a mile a way (a 5 min bike ride).