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DirectorBeneficial48 t1_iwwk0ul wrote

There were reports of the lights and signals not synchronizing correctly at this stop a while ago. Wonder if that's still a problem, if that had anything to do with it or (probably likely), the driver just screwed up as is the case 9/10 times.


Basilone1917 t1_iwwsr0c wrote

Yeah, it's the JC equivalent of blaming the GPS for driving your car into a lake.


Positive_Debate7048 t1_iwx9h2m wrote

To be fair those light rail trains are whisper quiet it’s hard to hear it sometimes if you’ve got the radio on and the windows up.


HappyArtichoke7729 t1_iwxtt76 wrote

The tracks aren't very inconspicuous. If you're driving over tracks without looking for a train, you need your license revoked.


CdotLu t1_iwxwpqn wrote

100% agreed. Drove through that area a ton of times while living there, and the lights would be green while a train was also right there maybe...35% of the time? I never got myself into this mess, because I would look left and right. I mean...simple solution, but it works. I just hope more people start paying attention instead of relying on the signals. It's like blindly paying attention to the GPS. What are you trying to do- drive into a lake?


GoHuskies1984 t1_iwyoes5 wrote

Also the vehicle is generic budget trim Ford Explorer. Possibly a rental car in the hands of someone not familiar with the area.


Positive_Debate7048 t1_iwyzbb5 wrote

If you’re not from the area I can see how someone would make the mistake, especially if the traffic signal is malfunctioning which we have seen happen often at certain crossings. There is a reason why heavy rail trains sound their horn at crossings.


garth_meringue t1_iwwkiqf wrote

I'm convinced the train drivers just ignore the signals when they feel like it.


Nexis4Jersey t1_iwwptz5 wrote

No they don't , its likely a malfunctioning signal...display green on both sides... If you see this report it to NJT/ they can fix it...the op in the other thread did not....


pixel_of_moral_decay t1_iwxe0vk wrote

The traffic/walk lights malfunction on lights rail crossings on the regular. I’ve lost count the number of times I’ve seen it say you can go with a train in the middle of the street or not when nothing in sight.

At this point I think they’ve just given up.


Nexis4Jersey t1_iwxezmv wrote

I think the lights need to be replaced there close to 22 years old in some cases at least the control box is...but people need to report it too the city/njt.


garth_meringue t1_iwwv65s wrote

Do you have special insight into the topic? The train drivers are all of the finest caliber and human error is impossible?

I've seen the trains go against green lights at different intersections as well as pedestrian signals at harborside many times. I trust the signals more than I do the drivers around here whether they're in a car or train.


bodhipooh t1_iwwy35s wrote

Regardless of whether or not the train failed to follow a signal, they ALWAYS have the right of way when approaching a crossing.


omgno360noscope t1_iwx5rcc wrote

Yeah this is common sense. Can't think of any driver who thinks they can take that chance....then again this is jersey. Some of the world's dumbest drivers


Nexis4Jersey t1_iwxf3nl wrote

If the signal is stop for trains then they cannot run it..or the trains brakes activate...


HudsonRiverMonster t1_iwytf7g wrote

You know nothing about what it takes to be an operator on a railroad. Operating a train isn’t like driving a car. They get extensive training, have stringent regulations, and are directly overseen by the federal govt.

I’ll believe it’s a signal problem or that the driver was being a fucking moron, because that’s what happens almost every time a car collides with the Light Rail.


garth_meringue t1_iwzdq4n wrote

Of course most car drivers are morons around here. I've just seen inconsistent behavior with these trains crossing lights and signals many times.

I'm sure the signal system is subject to regulations and oversight as well. It seems weird people are so quick to blame only the signals. I'm more inclined to believe in human error than signal error. Do you have special knowledge on the subject?


HudsonRiverMonster t1_iwzuky7 wrote

Yes, I’ve worked in the rail industry. It takes a lot of time and distance to stop the inertia of something as massive as a train. A signal error, or the driver being distracted/stupid/both, are much more likely than the operator not stopping if they had the chance.


Unoriginal_UserName9 t1_iwwkbpq wrote

they should start stenciling car decals on the front of each train. One for each accident.


Rube777 t1_iwxflis wrote

The train has lights on it and moves about 10mph… how does someone not see it coming


whybother5000 t1_iwxtuxp wrote

Guessing he was “tryna make that light.” Musta mistook the train for a pedestrian. Happens.


theLRG t1_iwwjlvl wrote

Guess that explains the sirens...


DirectorBeneficial48 t1_iwwjuej wrote

I was just thinking that, but they sound a few blocks west, maybe around Erie. Doesn't look like there's a fire in that pic, either.


bodhipooh t1_iwwwnq2 wrote

Newsflash: the fire department is not just there to respond to fires. In fact, the JCFD provides first responder emergency medical services, which is why any accident involving the light rail, or even a major vehicular accident, will have them dispatched.


comotellama007 t1_iwz2c20 wrote

I saw the whole thing. The guy was an idiot and tried to race the train. He wasn’t paying attention and the train clipped him because it’s a train … he ignored the red light and the honking. People where stuck on that train for over 30mins. And no one was hurt just the rich guy’s ego.


Mammoth-Housing-4395 t1_iwyth9b wrote

1st. I hope everyone is OK. 2nd. I'm keeping this screenshot in my photos. Next time I'm late for anything or need an excuse not to go anywhere, I'll say, OMG I just got hit by a train in JC. It happens all the time. 🤣❤️


PICHICONCACA t1_iwz22q7 wrote

They should add them fancy cow catchers that way the train doesn’t have to stop. Imagine having to add an extra hour to your commute because some asshole didn’t look both ways.


SkyeMreddit t1_iwyan51 wrote

Unless the traffic light didn’t time properly with the train signal, I think we know who the culprit is


ManchurianPandaDate t1_iwz6hep wrote

Do you think the car was distraught over the terrible road conditions ? Attica ! Attica !


jotjotzzz t1_iwzio7o wrote

Idiot drivers of Jersey City


jman457 t1_ix0vjgz wrote

Is it just me or is the bar to get your liscense in JC really low