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JcpaNYC t1_ivzhdo2 wrote

How dilapidated?

Unsafe or just old/ugly?

Not sure how a newer building helps with education.


mookybelltolls t1_iw0prmy wrote

How about non functioning bathrooms. Roofs with serious leaks. Like needing lots of buckets. Heat breakdowns.


JcpaNYC t1_ivzpdwh wrote

A downvote with no explanation with how the newer buildings help with education?

I’m okay with being wrong, but please tell me how this solves anything?


mooseLimbsCatLicks t1_iw006ek wrote

I didn’t downvote you I was busy with other things.

Well most school buildings don’t have AC, and many don’t have water fountains still. Many have no play areas. Some are literally crumbling in areas. They are old buildings.

Second , we don’t have enough schools for the amount of kids in jc. It’s a known fact. The physical lack of space means more kids packed into smaller areas and affects the class sizes. More schools = more rooms = better student teacher ratio. This is just to be a normal school district. Kids do classes in “temporary” buildings.

No AC = Kids can’t think well in the heat.

Lack of ventilation and space affected COVID policies and remote learning was extended with that excuse. They couldn’t distance.

The teachers we have are good teachers. The kids who want to learn and have good family support do well. The schools with more families like that do well.

You can’t change inner city social problems, which is a big problem Jersey city has, with money to the schools. I think that if the schools were structurally larger more inviting, comfortable and practical spaces, it would improve kids educations because they would like to be there. Architecture really affects the people inside the building.

Everyone is asking for more programs but where are you gonna have them?


FloatingWeight t1_ivzkzkw wrote

+1, how much benefit is there to new buildings that are going to be very expensive


mookybelltolls t1_iw0q3lu wrote

Well they will not flood and bathrooms will work. They will not have asbestos wrapped pipes and windows that are painted closed.