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keepseeing444 t1_izmmuk3 wrote

Will you also write about Palestinian suffering in Occupied Territories or anti-African racism in Israel or the ultranationalist, openly Anti-Arab politician being chosen as national security minister in Netanyahu’s new government?


slax03 t1_izn00km wrote

As a pro-Palestine person, this is one of the most tone deaf comments I've ever read.

Will you please write an article about all of the oppressed people you forgot to mention? Because you forgot about a lot of them. And if you didn't write an article about them, you shouldn't say anything, ever. Please write that article or delete your account. Thank you.


keepseeing444 t1_izoekij wrote

I’ve triggered you for simply asking OP to write about suffering of minorities in Israel on a self claimed “independent” website that has a separate Israel section. How sensitive are you?


slax03 t1_izoj3n3 wrote

Oooooh triggered. So cool.

Edit: you removed the term "triggered" because you realized it sounded bad, when you should have just removed your first comment all together.


podkayne3000 t1_izmn9su wrote

You’re an extreme ignoramus. The Forward runs stories about that kind of thing all the time.


Ilanaspax t1_izohov3 wrote

Let’s listen to the guy who calls himself a “liberal Zionist” on this one ya’ll. We got an unbiased perspective in the house.


podkayne3000 t1_izp51t2 wrote

The Forward runs many great articles from a wide range of perspectives, including by and about Palestinians.

Example: The op-eds here —

Implying that The Forward never tries to present the Palestinian perspective is like implying that Haaretz doesn’t try to present the Palestinian perspective and that Al Jazeera doesn’t try to present the Jewish or Israeli perspectives.

Those are publications where people make heroic efforts to show the world how it is as well as they can. If folks want to look at how they fall short of their ideals and still end up being biased, great. But to imply that any of these three publications isn’t making an effort to present “the other side” reflects a lack of familiarity with those publications.


Ilanaspax t1_izspzko wrote

Al Jazeera has been blindly promoting Qatar as a tourist destination and the World Cup in general while completely ignoring all the human rights violations that have and continue to occur there so I guess you could say they probably do have a lot in common with Forward as a publication!


[deleted] t1_iznu0hu wrote

I’m a generally pro-Palestinian Jew from Essex County and this comment is very not cool. What does Palestinian suffering have to do with the murder of American Jews? Why do those two things have to be discussed together?


Ilanaspax t1_iznwnyf wrote

Not for nothing but a Latino employee was murdered as well in this incident and I find it a little bizarre he barely gets mentioned in these headlines/comments just because he wasn’t Jewish. It wasn’t just “American Jews” who were murdered that day.


[deleted] t1_izpn19j wrote

Why do you think the Latino employee isn’t mentioned as much in the headlines?


Ilanaspax t1_izpsxz3 wrote

I have no idea that’s why I find it bizarre.


keepseeing444 t1_izodhta wrote

That was not my intent. Have you looked at this website? Please browse through OP writes for. It has Israel section in it. I didn’t say to discuss together but when only suffering mentioned is Jewish one and not the hispanic male who was murdered in same day as an example. How about human rights violations of minorities in Israel that needs some coverage as this news site that claims to be “independent”.


whybother5000 t1_izsrs8e wrote

This type of accidentally anti Semitic whataboutism is why folks don’t take BDS seriously. Israel/Palestine has nothing to do with members of a black supremacist cult murdering Jewish and non-Jewish Americans solely due to their identity. Next you’re going to pin violence in Greenville on the KKk.


Ilanaspax t1_izsz6k8 wrote

It’s pretty obvious the person who left the comment’s issue was that the story was being shared by a pro-Israel news source. It’s not antisemitic to criticize Israel.


DrMontalban OP t1_izuidpk wrote

The Forward is not a pro-Israel or anti-Israel news source, it was founded the same year as the Zionist Congress but actually descends from the Bundist community of European Jews.

You’re not going to find any mention of Israel in its mission statement, but yes we absolutely do report on Israel because it’s of great interest to the American Jewish community!


whybother5000 t1_izt0hqw wrote

Israel has nothing to do with a hate crime in JC.


Ilanaspax t1_izt1vjv wrote

No one is saying it did. Relax. You can get the same story from a news source that isn’t pro-Israel was the point.


evgeney t1_izp1hos wrote

How braindead does someone have to be think all jews = Israel

Dummy doesn't even realize that Israel = united states

Why don't you look closer to home toxic liberal wannabe who cannot formulate their own ideas.