
podkayne3000 t1_jbmpnlr wrote

Well, that's a chicken or an egg thing. If the ferry received enough money that it could cut the cross-Morris-Canal fee to $2 and operate every 15 minutes for three months, maybe usership would rise a lot.

Then, if the ferry could operate every 15 minutes for three months with the price increased to $5, maybe it would make enough extra money from all of the extra passengers that it could survive without the subsidy money.


podkayne3000 t1_j478r2j wrote

In my opinion, it might be good to post a query similar to this in r/Newark, if you haven't already, and to stay at an AirBnB in the Jersey City Heights, if possible.

My feeling is that downtown Jersey City was the cool part of Jersey City a few years ago, but that the Jersey City Heights and the area around the Journal Square PATH station are now younger and more interesting, because the rents there are lower.

One example: The farmers market in the Heights is simply much better than the farmers markets downtown.

Downtown Jersey City has nice coffee places, but Cafe Peanut, near Journal Square, has enough room to have live music on Sundays.

Along the same lines: It just seems as if the most fun parts of Newark must be a lot more interesting than Jersey City, because Newark has three real universities and is so much cheaper than Jersey City.


podkayne3000 t1_j2c6cbg wrote

It’s hard to tell what people’s motives are. If you’re really a regular independent person who’s furious about the hit and run and starts downvoting people, OK.

But it just feels as if the volume of anti-DeGise posts, and the mass downvoting of anyone with a slightly different perspective, are too high to be natural.

The county is doing all sorts of terrible things. It’s letting the state, Brian Stack and Paul Fireman pave over and ruin Liberty State Park, for example. And it’s crushing High Tech. But all we hear about is the hit and run, never anything about the bad things the county and state are doing. Probably because the Republicans running the organized anti-DeGise campaign are best friends with Fireman.


podkayne3000 t1_j2a9xv6 wrote

I think some political group (Republicans, or Solomonites, if the Solomonites are actually separate from the Republicans) is just spamming the board with anti-DeGise stuff, then mass downvoting anyone who dares to stand up to them, for the sake of politics.


podkayne3000 t1_j14ark4 wrote

No. I don't understand the references. But the fact that you're responding to my comment with insults about what kind of person I am is an example, in my mind, about why you're not appealing.

Some Amy DeGise opponents on r/JerseyCity post interesting information about her driving record and housing arrangements. I enjoy reading that kind of post.

Other people post a stream of meme posts and other attempts at humor implying that she's the worst person on Earth. If people post a few of those, fine. Certainly, other Redditors have a right to post things like that; not every post on Reddit has to be one I like.

But, after a certain point, the stream of hostile, not-very-funny attempts at humor get old. The question becomes less about why Amy DeGise is still in office and more about the motives of the people obsessed with her.

Again: You have a right be obsessively hostile toward Amy DeGise, as long as you're obeying subreddit rules, Reddit rules and antistalking laws.

But exercising that right too often could backfire and make Amy DeGise start to look like a victim.


podkayne3000 t1_j104dlh wrote

My initial reaction was, if she's one of the people going on anonymously here about Amy DeGise: No way.

I loathe anyone to do with county government here, but the campaign against Amy DeGise has somehow gotten to be even more horrible than Amy DeGise.

But, if Guy is endorsed by Murphy, well... Murphy is even more horrible than the Amy DeGise bashers. That's a whole different level of Liberty State Park-destroying evil.
