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jcnative t1_j248x4i wrote

Its new! Ive been asking for this since the Oculus opened. I'm excited to see it.


doglywolf t1_j24ei3l wrote


They turned down like 20 design proposals for this , yet this is the one that gets approved after years


Vince_BK t1_j24j617 wrote

Where are your sources?


doglywolf t1_j24jn78 wrote

Its been in the news and media a bunch of times over the years that Path wanted these for years but owners of oculus kept turning it down because it would " hurt the aesthetic. PA wanting to be uniform and having things match means it behind held up there held it up in a bunch of places.


Vince_BK t1_j24k1k6 wrote

Oh I thought you meant PATH turned down 20 proposals. I know the Oculus is strict with designs and stuff.


doglywolf t1_j24ogwg wrote

Nah - they turned path down A BUNCH and made them submit a ton of design attempts for the signage .

But those are the same geniuses at oculus that installed low traffic importeed Italian marble floors that need constant maintenance that looks exactly the same as high traffic gazed marble at 1/ 20th the cost.

There a documentary floating around i think on youtube about how bad some of the design choices and expenses were there .


pixel_of_moral_decay t1_j24qch1 wrote

It’s not so much bad design as it is corporate interests. The whole project was real estate and construction grifters profiting off 9/11. The design choices were just tools to maximize profit.


doglywolf t1_j25ezf0 wrote

sad but true . Why take a 5% kick back on 10million in cost when you can take a 5% kickback on 100 million in cost at no expense to you and just the tax payer and help make a buddy richer


drkensaccount t1_j24s8ki wrote

When the Port Authority is the voice of reason, you know you've come to a dark place.


ddhboy t1_j2539pd wrote

I mean, Port Authority owns the whole property, Westfield just manages the Oculus, I doubt they have veto rights over signage. This is an extra-dumb interdepartmental squabble.


drkensaccount t1_j25taar wrote

Port Authority owns it, but Silverman has 99 year lease, so it's essentially his. Westfield manages it, but things get extra complicated as the 9/11 memorial committee (or whatever they're called) is the one with veto power. It's like building something with built in historic building designation. I also don't think Westfield has anything to with the PATH station.


ahabneck t1_j2510jz wrote

The white floors? Slipped on them more than once


doglywolf t1_j2539vf wrote

Yes they are imported Italian marble that requires a crew constantly on duty to maintain even over night because they aren't made for high traffic .

The develops were set on imported Italian marble just so they can say " imported Italian marble" . It was against many of the builders and designers recommendations . One of the papers even did a write up on it years ago about how one of the leads was indirectly tied to the supplier as well and how the flooring cost 20x what it should have cost.

They even compared the high traffic coated marble and almost no one could visually tell the difference so the higher end stuff was just pure arrogance and indulgence

They need to be cleaned and waxed 10x more often the high tariff marble would of needed to be that would not of faded .


pixel_of_moral_decay t1_j25sahw wrote

Yea, the flooring thing is an insane boondoggle that someone should be in jail over. It's constantly being repaired/maintained, and that will be done for many years, if not in perpetuity because the whole point of the structure was to get landmark status right at 30 years old. It's already almost 1/3 of the way there. Once that hits, no chance on being allowed to replace it.

And it's not like they didn't know this. Marble is a little stronger than chalk. It's a very soft material. Hence it's used to carve statues because it's a nice medium to work with and still polishes up.

Using it in a place built on pylons over multiple train tracks in the middle of a decade long construction project where it would be subject to small vibrations in perpetuity was stupid. The structure is going to expand/contract due to temperature below the structure as well. Foot traffic is just an extra problem.


doglywolf t1_j25tkro wrote

ITs criminal but its par for the course with these things. Some brother in law /cousin / buddy of someone that makes these decisions got rich and kicked back a huge check to a politician that approved the needlessly high budget for it. It so heavy it needs to be reset every year to level it as well.

The is a marble yard in PA with the same looking material for 1/20 the cost of the import

It cost almost 100,000 a year in maintenance that's in addition to the accident maintenance needed form leaks and construction in the area .


That also doesn't account for the teams of 6 people working 8 hour shifts JUST to maintain the floor daily 24/7 . Because of how much extra work it takes to keep those floors looking good over high traffic version that more scuff resistant.


That 18 - 30 people counting weekend staff on salary JUST to maintain the floor. If its not it can actually stain if they let the coating wear down that would need an acid wash to restore the color before reapplying the wax.

It just not a material made for the volume for foot traffic it has.


Over $350 a square foot to fix as well.

They could still probably replace it with high traffic composite marble that would look almost EXACTLY the same or even straight industrial poly plates with marble façade and no one but them would know the difference and end up saving money in the long run.

But no has to be certified imported Italian marble for some reason.


podkayne3000 t1_j255byx wrote

Whenever I go there, I try to appreciate the fact that it’s now almost pure white, when, not too far in the future, it will probably be dark, dusty gray.


thebruns t1_j2faen3 wrote

Isn't the Port Authority the owner of the entire wtc complex?


PsychologicalAd1153 t1_j24dgyq wrote

Tip: On non-rush hour times, the HOB train always leaves WTC before the EWR line. So if you catch yourself running for the EWR line, but the HOB train hasn't left yet, you got a few minutes.


jcnative t1_j25by5c wrote

EWR line? Does that mean its happening?


ReeseCommaBill t1_j26g3sa wrote

I think he meant Newark Penn, not Newark Airport. That plan is still in the works, though I don’t think it makes a lot of sense to expand the PATH to the Newark Air Train. If you’re going to go through all the trouble, extend the PATH all the way to the airport itself. Don’t half ass two things, whole ass one thing.


Knobbies4Ever t1_j24fdmm wrote

The original WTC station had these signs. Crazy (or maybe just sad/typical) that it took so long for PA to provide this useful info at the current station.


jerseyjoe50 t1_j252mbx wrote

Next step: countdown clocks with actual times for the horribly slow weekend service.


Hopai79 t1_j2738ue wrote

>Can't happen without a signal system like the MTA has.


thebruns t1_j2fai36 wrote

They exist, hidden on the side by the fare machines


postbox134 t1_j248uhh wrote

Never seen this before, good improvement actually as sometimes it'll be the NWK train and sometimes HBK


FinalIntern8888 t1_j2a1bdw wrote

Now make them put signs at the street level of 14th St so I know whether the downtown side is closed or not before I pointlessly walk down the wrong stairs…


Vertigo963 t1_j2amltn wrote

Wow! A few years ago, they used to have signs/plaques that they would tape to the obelisks, at least at night.

And then sometimes they would tape the sign to the wrong obelisk, and people would run down the stairs to catch the train at 2:50AM and arrive at an empty platform, miss their train and have to wait 35 minutes for the next train. PATH memories . . .


Cultural_Ad_9755 t1_j25hy1l wrote

That’s new. The LEDs usually name the stations if it’s to Newark (EXP, GROV, HAR, NWK) or Hoboken (EXP, NWP, HOB).

The bottom sign should read “Next train headed to Newark..” or something like that.


go4it7arh t1_j25xntf wrote

nah. the bottom sign is to say which train leaves first to exchange place , since you can go on the train to hoboken or to newark to stop there


FinalIntern8888 t1_j2a16yy wrote

I think the person you’re replying to still has a point. What if someone isn’t getting off at Exchange and wants to take one train and not the other? They still don’t know until they walk down.


go4it7arh t1_j2a1h1y wrote

but you do know, the sign above says that platform has trains going to newark on the wtc-nwk line. the other platform just has wtc-hob trains


misfire17 t1_j24hglq wrote

What’s the purpose of this sign if both nwk and hob lines go to exchange place?


shanes3t t1_j24je32 wrote

So you know which track to go to in case of being in a rush.