Submitted by edwinblanco201 t3_zq498p in jerseycity

Hi Neighbors!

My name is Edwin; I’m the President of the Foundation Board for Jersey City Free Public Library, and I wanted to reach out to the JC subreddit to plug the library to neighbors who might not have checked out one of the ten local branches in Jersey City.

Borrowing books is just a fraction of what the JC Library has to offer. When the pandemic began, the JCFPL made it a priority to modernize and have since introduced not only borrowing eBooks, but also robust streaming services including:

  • Hoopla – for streaming movies, TV, comic books, audiobooks, and music.

  • Kanopy – movies and educational content.

  • PressReader – newspapers and magazines.

  • and HeritageQuest for genealogy.

  • Udemy for online classes. (Kinda like Master Class)

  • Rosetta Stone for language learning.

The JCFPL also offers so many services to JC residents including:

  • ESL classes, adult literacy, citizenship classes, finance classes, computer classes.

  • Amazing live music via the Community Awareness Series.

  • Museum passes to the Natural History Museum and Brooklyn Botanic Garden, and more.

  • Chess clubs, afterschool programs, community events.

  • WiFi hotspots.

  • Just another quiet place to study or work for free.

All of this and more is available for free to Jersey City residents with a Library Card. You can register for one for free online here:$N/SYMWS/true

The Library is making an effort to provide even more services to the community while also maintaining and upgrading physical branches. (The Miller Branch just celebrated 100 years and needs some touch ups!)

But it needs your help! I know every charity is asking for donations during the holidays, but any amount given to support and expand these programs would go a long way. Please consider donating here:

Be on the lookout for a happy hour fundraiser we’ll be hosting on January 19th at the Main Branch downtown on Jersey Ave! Details forthcoming.

But we’d also be thrilled if you just signed up for a Library card or told a friend about the JCFPL.

Thanks for reading and Happy Holidays!


PPS. I also wanted to mention another way to donate would be to set your charity to the JCFPL!

If you shop with Amazon but haven't used Smile yet, simply shop Amazon as you normally would but use the address and Amazon gives a small percentage of your total purchase to a charity of your choice.



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AugustWest7120 t1_j0w61af wrote

Luxury books…

My man, my man. This guy Reddits.


imaluckyduckie t1_j0w6y6e wrote

Would love to see JCPL catch up to some of the other public libraries in the area with 3D Printers


kokoromelody t1_j0w71fl wrote

Thank you for sharing! I'm a longtime JCPL subscriber and have definitely benefitted from all the new and expanded digital services that have been offered!

For those who are also looking to donate, please check with your employer if they offer donation matching!


FelixTaran t1_j0w776f wrote

I have a library card and because I am somewhat underemployed it has been great. So many audio books! For free! It’s amazing.

Please post about the fundraiser when you have details; I will definitely support to the best of my ability.

PS: not a plant.


edwinblanco201 OP t1_j0w9g9n wrote

I also wanted to mention another way to donate would be to set your charity to the JCFPL!

If you shop with Amazon but haven't used Smile yet, simply shop Amazon as you normally would but use the address and Amazon gives a small percentage of your total purchase to a charity of your choice!


edwinblanco201 OP t1_j0w9q78 wrote

Thanks for mentioning that! There will be 3D Printing available at the new Communipaw branch at 295 Johnston which should open next year. It will also have a maker space and recording studio!

Aside from that, they're also trying to have 3D printers available at some branches sooner. Let me get an update and I'll share it with you.


edwinblanco201 OP t1_j0wa7ke wrote

Thanks so much! Hiring you as a plant going forward.

You may have already checked it out but the library also offers some job placement assistance and counseling here:

Not sure about your industry but they will also be posting their own ads for jobs opening for various positions at the library periodically:

Will make a post in the new year with details about the fundraiser.


BigAlOof t1_j0wc0ww wrote

i got a card just for the digital stuff (i can’t take out books that don’t automatically return, i have a book hoarding problem) and it’s been great. but the most unexpected thing was checking out pressreader and finding out they have Fortean Times. it’s my favorite magazine but it’s big and british and like 12$ a pop. based on that alone i’m gonna donate!

i am also not a plant but did want to be a librarian for a long time.


metalheart90 t1_j0wc4iv wrote

Thank you so much for posting this information! I moved to JC about a year ago and have been meaning to sign up for a library card. Thanks to your post I just did :)

Will definitely be changing my Amazon smile donation to the JC public library!


Chaoszine-77 t1_j0wcn15 wrote

Is there a way to RENEW a card online?


cmc t1_j0wdllx wrote

Thanks for posting! I’m new to JC and keep meaning to get a library card, so I’ll sign up and make a donation today.


Acceptable_Version57 t1_j0wmr8y wrote

The process was so easy to apply for my library card today. I emailed them a photo of my license to prove JC residency. They replied with my library number and mailed the physical card to my house. I was able to use their services immediately.


KustyTheKlown t1_j0wrkox wrote

this is a dumb question, but are all of those digital services accessible remotely or do you need to be physically present at a library to use them?

great post by the way. thanks.


edwinblanco201 OP t1_j0ws7vh wrote

I'll get an update for you asap. And thanks for the offer of volunteering, that's very generous! Are you ok DM'ing me your contact info so I can pass it along to the right people please?


mimosanj t1_j0wsosc wrote

Donated, and thank you for all you do. You were an essential resource for me before I could buy a computer and had to job hunt in a digital world. I am forever grateful.


joey_afa t1_j0wumip wrote

Do you have any volunteer opportunities to teach software development courses?


Ace-Harding t1_j0wwjck wrote

Do you have any more information about the chess club?


kulgan t1_j0wxqo0 wrote

Is there any way to request a book be added to the ebook library?


SpicyMargarita143 t1_j0x1ubo wrote

I am the biggest fan of the library. A few of my favorites features:

  • Phone calls and emails when my books come in, such a kind and generous thing to do.

  • All the Children’s Activities. Miss Barbara and crew at the Main Branch are absolute gems.

  • LIBBY! I don’t feel like you guys hype Libby enough. Hoopla is cool and all for audiobooks, but I find their selection very limited. Your Libby selection is much larger (and compatible with the kindle so I get to check out eBooks and read them on my Kindle, it’s great!).


Sybertron t1_j0xejaq wrote

Any desire for makerspace stuff like 3d printers and laser cutters?


GoodLurker t1_j0xqpgh wrote

How can you access Rosetta Stone and Udemy? I tried searching on the library website but couldn’t figure it out.

PS: I use my JC library card on Libby and it’s been wonderful!


BassicApe t1_j0yz67h wrote

Thanks! I’m a teacher do you ever need any additional teachers for the classes you mentioned above? I have experience teaching all of those types of classes


edwinblanco201 OP t1_j0z6mt9 wrote

Hi! Do you mean you have some you'd like to donate?

Or if you mean if there's interest in adding it to the library, they will have both at the new 295 Johnston location next year. Will also update about 3D printing at other branches soon as they are looking to add.

edit: UPDATE: 3D printing will also be available late January/early February the Miller Branch.


HobokenJ t1_j0zbwki wrote

Just registered for my card! Thanks for posting.


xpaiged t1_j0zcgoe wrote

love the library!!!!!! hoopla is also wonderful


doglywolf t1_j0zehvc wrote

For sure! They don't get enough credit ! Modern one even do a great job at teach basic computer classes.

In my experience they have been the calmest nicest people excepct like one angry old lady at the central branch that seems to be annoyed when people even talk to her.

but 99 out of 100 are some of the best humans you will ever meet - i love people that are into books it says a lot about them too so im biased.


worldlybedouin t1_j0zenp4 wrote

Huge props to the JC library. We go to the Main branch almost every Saturday morning like clockwork. The staff there is amazing, friendly, and we've gotten to know them well. They have been super helpful to my 8yr old and her finicky reading tastes and helped find books to keep her entertained this past 1.5yrs we've been going regularly.

While we've known about some of the above listed offerings, there's clearly more the library is doing which I wasn't aware of. This is a great list and lots more stuff to help keep our family entertained without being price gouged (cough inflation LOL) for everything. Hooray, less $ spent on entertainment and more for groceries!

Thank you to all the staff of JCPL for all your hard work and being so amazing.


enron_scandal t1_j0zhfv7 wrote

Thank you for plugging this, I had been meaning to get my JC library card for a long time. Just registered for it!


AJ_24601 t1_j10uxw0 wrote

Any plans to expand West Side's hours? Right now it closes at 5pm, while other branches are open to 6 or 8pm.


literarytswift t1_j1740ts wrote

I live (and have lived) in JC for 8 years but still have an out of state license— I do pay taxes here tho! Can I still sign up? Thank you!