mouse6502 t1_j2as7v5 wrote
yeah can't live there due to zoning, right?
DavidPuddy666 t1_j2av5yw wrote
Residential is an allowed use in the NC zone.
djperks t1_j2be1k5 wrote
Really hope they turn it into a smoke shop, need another one of those on Newark for sure.
Dependent_Map_3940 t1_j2bo14t wrote
shower at a gym.
DowntownJerseyCity OP t1_j2c34fu wrote
Sorry no living - and no smoke shops. Haha
drinkingshampain t1_j2ch36w wrote
“Most brooklyn like area” oh please
Substantial-Floor926 t1_j2akbip wrote
Too bad there is no shower; would be a good studio