
mouse6502 t1_j2anqnp wrote

Reply to comment by NJ_Bus_Nut in A path train to GRO? by allergat0r

I always wanted to ask- what happens if you stay on an out of train service at JSQ? Sometimes they shut those doors mad fast and although I haven’t fallen asleep on a train in a while (ugh ended up in Babylon once on the lirr) I was curious 😊


mouse6502 t1_j1yadc0 wrote

New Car Smell Pilot:

We spray everything with Ozium-D. Let it de-ionize, vacuum the spray out with a de-ionizing machine. Hit it with high pressure compressed air, then wet-dry vac it to extract the remaining liquids. We top it off with one of our seven air fresheners - in your case, I would recommend the Jasmine, or the Potpourri.

me: Wow, what kind of guy would the (well established car wash)* attendant assume would take Jasmine or Potpourri? Is he a single, thin, neat man? Is he indifferent to his friends lives? Is he childlike with a particular affection towards Superman? Is he a.. funny guy? I'm picking up such a vibe just from the first moment here