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diaperbuyer t1_j6lfp82 wrote

nope....... it's not a reasonable speed. You can waste your time replying back but I'm still going to say it's not possible because AGAIN I drive that street every day. You have to be a jerk to go that speed and more on that block. Simple there are people jaywalking every which way and depending on the time of day you either have kids crossing or addicts passing out or stopping mid cross. It ain't possible UNLESS you just don't give a sh*t about humans. Either way she's an ass for driving that fast no sober person would. See for your self and drive down that block. Then tell me I'm wrong so I can calm down for you 🙄🙄🙄.


Dabookadaniel t1_j6lgrtf wrote

Username checks out, you probably shit yourself twice a day out of sheer frustration


diaperbuyer t1_j6ltuh5 wrote

Now who needs to calm down.... guess you don't want to be proven wrong. 🐤💩