Submitted by PixelSquish t3_1042esx in jerseycity

I need to find the restaurants in JC that are very conscientious about catering to severe food allergies, where they know the ingredients in all their components, and try to prepare foods for food allergy customers with little risk of cross contamination. Anybody have experience with this and can recommend their favorites? I don't want my date to end up in an ambulance :)

I'll definitely be making calls but figured on asking for anybody with good experiences in this regard.



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carbosaurusrex t1_j32d5kz wrote

Wherever you go, it could help to call ahead. Especially if you’re making a reservation. Sometimes you can immediately tell if they have no idea, and choose to go elsewhere; other times you can get some good menu guidance.


fuhgettaboutitt t1_j34ej73 wrote

Severe allergies myself, I have found wurstbar, Hamilton inn/pork, white star, porta, Hudson hall/hound, to all be very helpful with my allergies. I had a friends birthday party at Corto and we emailed them my allergies ahead of time and they made it work. Some of these places have ingredients sheets as well they have let me check out.

Feel free to DM me


a_bigsalad t1_j34gwh8 wrote

Second White Star - I asked for no bun on my burger and the server suggested they had GF if I didn’t want to go without (my request was based solely on the fact I ate way too many carbs over the holidays and we got their incredible Buffalo cauliflower but I thanked him for offering it)


PixelSquish OP t1_j34q6mv wrote

Thanks for responding. I had figured there had to be a few people out with this experience in the area, whether for themselves or someone they know, so I appreciate the info.

There is a Porta in Montclair where she lives and we ate there, they were very accommodating and knew her. So she goes often.

Her allergies are the usual - nuts, seafood, soy but also nightshades like tomatoes and eggplant (Porta subs ricotta for the tomatoes on the Margherita pizza and it works). I found out today sunflower seeds and chick peas and coconut are a no go zone as well. Are you in a similar situation?