Submitted by DarkJokernj t3_10jn2l4 in jerseycity

I've been looking for a computer repair place nearby in JC but ones I've looked up look kinda sketchy and untrust worthy. Anyone have a computer place in mind that they trust? I'm having internet issues with my PC and could really use some assistance. (and before anyone asks, I'd like the help but I have literally tried anything, down from driver repairs, driver replacing, etc.)



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mad_dog_94 t1_j5lizw6 wrote

sounds like a physical connection issue. if you're on a wired connection, then the port or cable might be bad. if you're on a wireless one, then the antenna might be broken or loose. contact your isp first to make sure it isn't the router because if it is then it'll be less money and hassle than trying to diagnose what could be any number of things on your pc. if you own your router contact the support site of whatever brand made it


HappyArtichoke7729 t1_j5ljtw3 wrote

tried everything, you say? Did you run a live operating system (like maybe Puppy Linux booted from USB drive) to rule out all software causes?


imaluckyduckie t1_j5lzhxd wrote

Have you tried unplugging it and plugging it back in?



codascud t1_j5mnrnm wrote

What is the issue specifically? What is you computer configuration? Mac, Win ?


realreplica t1_j5pgmy0 wrote

How about purchasing a USB wireless adapter?

Do you rent your modem? If so, your ISP may swap out your modem to a newer model.


Sybertron t1_j5v3h8b wrote

Internet issues usually aren't going to be on your PC, usually it will be the something to do with the other stuff (modem, box outside the house, maybe the pole outside).

Its something worth calling your internet provider to come diagnosis why it sucks. Should be a free call.