
mad_dog_94 t1_jed5qcx wrote

on saturdays beth at the astor will put on whatever you want. most of the bartenders will put on anything sports related. tbh i dont think theres a devils bar here thats the closest i can thinkof


mad_dog_94 t1_ja4kwtr wrote

Isopropyl alcohol will clean them really well. You need to condition them after though because otherwise the alcohol will dry out the leather a lot. Can't speak to the brand but that's how I clean my boots and sneakers


mad_dog_94 t1_j9r70fh wrote

Nah the ghost of peter Stuyvesant haunts that area and kills passerbys because we keep moving his statue it's very dangerous/s (hopefully obviously)

Downtown is one of the safest areas of the city. Tbh if you mind your business every neighborhood is fine (I know it comes off as rude but I mean this sincerely this city is pretty safe)


mad_dog_94 t1_j79yc1g wrote

in the future when it gets this cold its a good idea to let the water drip from your faucet even when youre not using it. it isnt a guarantee but it helps long enough to keep them from bursting due to freeze so they can thaw

as for your landlord. you can withhold rent until they come and fix the issue. if they want to take you to court then they wont have a case because theyre responsible for the property and it wasnt you who damaged it


mad_dog_94 t1_j6l812x wrote

Nah it's cool. I wasn't offended, I was just being sarcastic because we get a lot of people asking similar questions. This city has definitely seen a decrease in crime (though that would come with being priced out of the area). This city used to be kinda like that 20ish years ago but it's not like that now. The only part of my post that you should have taken seriously is the queen's and eastward thing because you'll save a lot of time commuting for basically the same rent prices you would see here if not less