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JaKr8 t1_j8q32vk wrote


History, architecture, and great sports teams and restaurants. Also, great music, from punk to rock to BSO.

Ask this in the Ontario sub and it'll be a different story.


movdqa t1_j8q3ub1 wrote

I've lived in the Boston area and have visited Toronto and I prefer Boston but it may be due to familiarity and family in the area. One other major factor is the world-class healthcare in Boston. Important for older folks.


Seaworthiness222 t1_j8q5j74 wrote

Boston. For lots of reasons but main one - I really couldn't be away from the ocean.

But the surrounding land is pretty boring near Toronto. I like the New England landscape. The natural beauty is prettier.

I could go for the medical care costs and college costs of Canada though.


user72230 t1_j8q88np wrote

Today? Toronto, absolutely and I kinda feel like if you asked me a year ago or before I would have said Boston


bobmcrobber t1_j8q8jcx wrote

I'd rather live in Boston. Downtown Toronto stinks of weed and cigarettes, and traffic is atrocious. Boston, on the other hand, is much cleaner and is right next to the ocean.


individual_328 t1_j8qdr8h wrote

There are some great parts of Toronto, but most of it is really sprawled out. And where they do have density it's often newer high rises with sterile streetscapes. For such a populated urban area, a lot of it feels pretty lifeless.

I'd take Montreal over Boston easy, and maybe Vancouver, but not Toronto.


kethera__ t1_j8qxuyg wrote

the GTA is cool and all but.. it’s so flat there.


7mythie t1_j8ttc3h wrote

I was born and raised in Toronto and I live in Boston now. Personally, I'd pick the city I had more social connections to because that makes me happiest.

Boston is better in a lot of ways that people have mentioned: ocean, nearby mountains, history, more character in the architecture, weather is slightly better (but sunlight hours are worse), sports teams.

Toronto is better in one major way that I haven't seen mentioned here: food. Toronto has more ethnic diversity and the food scene is where that really shines. Also, if you belong to one of the ethnicities that's more prominent in Toronto that can mean a lot.

The healthcare in Toronto at the high end is worse but still really good and likely better for the lower income levels. Most importantly, taking health insurance out of the picture is a huge stress relief.

Education is the same to a lesser extent. The school system is less important when you're moving to a new area in Toronto because the extremes aren't as severe.

Toronto is also bigger and importantly the biggest city in Canada so it draws talent from the whole country. I think the art and music scenes are a bit better in Toronto but both cities are pretty great in that regard.


Nice_Leadership8027 t1_j8tug95 wrote

I’m a Boston Native. Family has been here since the early 1900s. I would gladly choose Montreal over Boston in a heart beat.


AnyRound5042 t1_j8uafh4 wrote

I've never been to Toronto but I like having sports teams that win sometimes and I hear it's kinda pricey. I'd definitely go for a visit sometime at the very least


DiligerentJewl t1_j8w8eef wrote

Toronto is like LA without the nice weather and beaches. Not interested.


user72230 t1_j8x4p9q wrote

No, the United States, when compared to other 1st world nations is nearly at the bottom in all categories. We are over worked, underpaid, pay too much for worse healthcare, have trains derailing and spewing lethal chemicals, poor education, expensive education, and people that read 3 words of a reply and assume agreement when there is none


Itchy-Marionberry-62 t1_j8x6rrk wrote

I love Toronto…but it really is a super city…which Boston really is not…so hard to compare. Boston much smaller. Like both places though.


miracleinvest t1_ja0yoom wrote

100% agree with you. I just moved to Boston from Toronto. The only thing around me is pizza and subs...chipotle, Panera. What's up with their coffee it's so watered down. Although McDonalds near my apartment makes a nice brew!


miracleinvest t1_ja0zqn4 wrote

born and raised in Toronto. Just moved to Boston for work. Not going to lie I'm thinking same about moving back...after I get some work experience. I don't know what it is for me but something about this city doesn't feel right. No disrespect to people of Boston they're awesome, and the city beautiful.

Just wondering ...what got you thinking about returning to Toronto?

I want to mention Dunkin got nothing on Tims !