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t1_j7g7gsn wrote

No mention of what the weapon was (a cellphone maybe?) But they do note that she posed no danger but still they feared for their lives? Where are they finding these pathetic cowards to be cops anyways? Afraid of fucking anything and everyone


OP t1_j7g9ixj wrote


I caught that too. They admit she posed no threat, but still were fearful for their lives. How does that work? Answer: It does not. It is a complete contradiction. It's "code" for, but we really wanted to shoot her, but don't want to say we wanted to shoot her.

That said, stories like these are why I try to avoid cell phones and cell phone cases that are black, silver, or any dark color when possible. My current Pixel is bright, light green. It was this or white. I doubt it would make much of a difference, if someone wants to make an excuse, they'll make an excuse. Still, it's something I fear you have to think about these days.


t1_j7lpe5r wrote

No it actually does not mean that at all, they said she posed no threat because the weapon she used was not a REAL weapon. Someone familiar with Linux, you would think you could process this logically, clearly you cannot. She came outside with a BB gun, and the cops had to make a split second decision. Important to note the BB gun had no orange tip


t1_j7iv4av wrote

I’m as liberal as they come and I’m calling bullshit on the fact that you have a light green pixel because you’re scared of being shot by the police. That’s just…an outrageous statement.


OP t1_j7ix0o7 wrote

You are welcome to your opinion, of course, but I experienced years ago, pulling out a dark, unusually large wallet, and for a moment the cop mistook it for a weapon. It was a very scary experience, and I am lucky I was not shot.

That said a cellular phone is a lot bigger than a wallet. And I have no intentions of playing with fate.


t1_j7lp60e wrote

You should do some research first of all. She came out of the house with what looked to be a rifle, and even threatened to use it on officers. Note, I know the family involved, she had just lost a son in a car accident. Complete tragedy, but you should not be so judgmental of the officer, he had to make a split second decision


t1_j7gtnnj wrote

It was a pump action BB gun. And she threatened to shoot the cops and kill herself. This was suicide by cop.


t1_j7h6jey wrote

From what I've heard this was a mental health crisis and the police were called for a wellness check, but what showed up was an execution squad. When will the state learn that these thugs are not capable of dealing with any situation requiring a little bit of tact or nuance. This was not suicide by cop. This was a state sanctioned murder by cop


t1_j7h8bzx wrote

The woman went upstairs, grabbed a BB gun and said "im gonna shoot you and myself". Up until that point. It was wellness check, but quickly escalated into suicide by cop. If I go upstairs into my house during a wellness check, grab a weapon, and say I'm gonna kill you and myself. The cop is well within their rights to use force to protect themselves...don't be a retard.


t1_j7hd11m wrote

It must be so nice to live in a world where you can just kill anybody that inconveniences you without a second thought. If I ever see you in public I'll be sure to smile and wave so you can stay in your little fantasy land delusion


t1_j7jcs2v wrote

Being threatened and having a weapon pointed at you is definitely just a regular day inconvenience. You’re a clown.


t1_j7klgoa wrote

It was a fucking bb gun dude grow up


t1_j7kthkc wrote

Have you ever seen a BB gun? They are replicas of real guns with no orange cap. It wasn’t a fucking squirt gun she pulled on them


t1_j7lpos8 wrote

Are you fucking slow? BB guns are impossible to differentiate between what is real and what is not. When you have a weapon that resembles a gun being pointed at you, you have to make a split second decision. Go back to school, or read a book please