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chickadeedadee2185 t1_j9u69uf wrote

One can get cited for that.


PakkyT t1_j9u7x3u wrote

A coworker yesterday morning was telling me about the satisfaction of coming into work that morning, seeing an SUV come up behind him at the stop sign, stop, and all the snow slid forward onto the windshield like the picture in this post shows, and a cop sitting nearby immediately turning the blues on and pulling them over.


its-a-crisis t1_j9vjp2c wrote

Keep going, I’m almost there


kineaks t1_j9y804f wrote

It’s so cringe when people turn things into sex like that, awkward 12 year old Humor r/trashy


bleepbloopbluupp t1_j9zcbuf wrote

When is the last time a twelve-year-old told you they were almost there? Never mind, "officer this guy right here!"


phantompenis2 t1_j9y5yp3 wrote

one time i was driving to work. i was probably doing 50 in a 45 and some guy flies up on my tail and rides me for a bit before passing in a no passing zone, hands flailing and cursing at me bc im only going a little over the speed limit. not a mile up the road i see him pulled over by a cop. now that's the way to start a work day


NativeMasshole t1_j9uyyij wrote

On the other hand, I saw a statey parked on the side of the road this morning who didn't bother to clean off their own SUV.


NativeSon508 t1_j9v7dnb wrote

Should be a 30 day loss of license. I’m sick of people not thinking about anyone other than themselves around here. Can’t reach your roof? Stay the fuck home.

People get killed from this shit. Cops should serious about it


3owlsinatrenchc0at t1_j9y6fr9 wrote

I'm a short person who drives a tall car, and after getting tired of making do with a broom/step stool, I bought an extendable snow brush and it's been an absolute game changer. Mine even has a rubber attachment that I use to break up ice when my car is completely encased. Strategy is to turn the car on and let it melt a little, then go to town with the rubber end. Safe for the paint job and oddly satisfying.


kineaks t1_j9y84wj wrote

The best part is not being sued for bodily damage!


kineaks t1_j9y85pb wrote

The best part is not being sued for bodily damage!