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AboyNamedBort t1_j7n2ncz wrote

Boomers have done everything they can to screw over younger generations


Bunkerbuster12 t1_j7nqrsm wrote

This. While I don't think they did it on purpose, they are the richest generation ever created and will probably stay that way for many generations. Us Millennials and Gen Zers are going to spend the next 25 years catering to there needs while there money floods the market and keeps inflation high. Just my opinion


Starrion t1_j7pcolf wrote

Unless another virus comes in that prefers the elderly. Given the majority of boomers lean right and the GOP is anti public health, it could be a demographic game changer.


BrokedownAlice69 t1_j7p5gtu wrote

And then they will yell at us to tell us to stop drinking coffee and save our money. Like dude , I could barely save any money with two people living In an 1800 dollar apartment with a 130k per year household income. How the hell do you expect me to buy a house? You know what? I will buy some land and build my own house so I never have to work some shitty ass corporate job until I’m 65 , if I even make it to 65. I’d rather live in my house in the country and write about how annoying you are about money


ButterAndPaint t1_j7rq9lj wrote

If you couldn’t save money on that salary with that rent payment then your budgeting skills are total garbage.


BrokedownAlice69 t1_j7u0uwf wrote

No me and my ex weren’t really of the saving philosophy but would rather enjoy the days we know we are going to be living, young, and healthy. So we traveled a lot. I’ve been to just about every state and 8 countries. We smoked and drank a lot along with a lot of other party favors, and we liked an expensive dinner every now and then.

Living like that off of two 60k a year salaries in Boston and you really aren’t ever going to save money. You could live like a hermit, eat ramen and maybe save 1k , I’ve lived like this since and it was not that hard for me, but definitely would be hard for my ex. Never ever move into a house that is heated with oil too. So fucking expensive


ggtffhhhjhg t1_j7qczjg wrote

You left out most of Gen X. A higher percentage of them are Trumpers than the boomers.


Roberto-Del-Camino t1_j7okk8c wrote

Funny you should say that. Most of the buyers paying these crazy prices are gen-x or millennial. Where are they getting the money? From their dead boomer parents. That’s why the income level is way below the property values.


Starrion t1_j7pcyuc wrote

Not many Gen-x I know have boomer parents. More millennials.


Roberto-Del-Camino t1_j7q5aaj wrote

The baby boomers were born from 1946-1964. Gen Xers we’re born from 1965-1980. So boomers born in the late 40’s and early 50’s definitely had a lot of kids born from the mid-to-late 60’s through 1980.