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payter_m8r OP t1_j8xzvfe wrote

Reply to comment by J0E_Blow in A new place to call home by payter_m8r

Really? For all grade levels?


piggyazlea t1_j8ytuxn wrote

Yes. All public schools and grade levels require a masters. You can teach at a private school without one, though.


bwma t1_j8yqba7 wrote

It doesn't apply to private schools, so that option is available


Otherwise-Sky1292 t1_j8yvuzy wrote

Pretty sure those pay much less and lack the benefits of public school districts, though


Fantastic_Mango_2827 t1_j90yj1x wrote

Not exactly true. Waivers are available. Would be best to reach out to schools with job postings and research the options.