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Ialnyien t1_jdwmeah wrote

They have good employees but it’s essentially run by a group of people that are as transparent as a brick wall, you just don’t hear about it much because they have the local news in their pocket. They also have no desire to improve, only to the extent it affects their image.


dan420 t1_jdwo8xa wrote

I mean by my estimation in this region Big Y is behind Stop and Stop, Shaws/ Star Market, market Basket, and buying groceries at Walmart. Impressive that local media is Controlled by Big Y. I mean sure I’d rather support local grocers or farmers markets or whatever, and I didn’t think of them as saints or anything, but it seemed like a fine place to stop in to pick up supplies for dinner on the way home from work. There isn’t even one in my area now, but I’d be interested in knowing what makes them any worse than say Shaws, or Stop and Shop.