Ialnyien t1_jdwir55 wrote
Reply to comment by Dizzy_De_De in Is there any way to find out what kind of subsidies/considerations Amazon received for the warehouses and half built Amazon Freshes that are sitting empty all over the state? by Happy_rich_mane
Big y does the same. All retail companies do. If you really want to get upset and angry look into the companies that pay rent to themselves via a shell company.
Ialnyien t1_jdwi2mo wrote
Reply to comment by dan420 in Is there any way to find out what kind of subsidies/considerations Amazon received for the warehouses and half built Amazon Freshes that are sitting empty all over the state? by Happy_rich_mane
You didn’t lose out, better an empty building than the previous tenant.
Ialnyien t1_j9fsdr2 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Mother Nature needs a vacation by funsk8mom
Can we stop spouting this incorrect information? It was proven to be from the dust in Oklahoma, nothing to do with acid rain or the train derailment.
Ialnyien t1_j7qvfb0 wrote
Reply to comment by mp246 in Exonerees in Mass. state drug lab scandal want their seized property and money back by ak47workaccnt
We’re going to have to agree to disagree.
I think an argument can be made that it is case specific. In the case of the drug lab issue, I would find it very challenging to return assets to those that are at least 51% likely to have earned it illicitly.
Out of curiosity, do you keep track of where your assets come from? I believe that if these individuals can prove where the assets arrived from, they’d be released if it was legitimately earned.
I’ll withhold my outrage until I see proof that assets have been proven to be earned legitimately and still not returned.
Ialnyien t1_j7qgust wrote
Reply to comment by mp246 in Exonerees in Mass. state drug lab scandal want their seized property and money back by ak47workaccnt
No doubt and I’m thankful for that, my family member turned it around.
However, should they be entitled to keep the gains from their illicit activities?
Ialnyien t1_j7qdte3 wrote
Reply to comment by ItsMeTK in Exonerees in Mass. state drug lab scandal want their seized property and money back by ak47workaccnt
In this case I think I’m ok with the presumption of a 50% likelihood that assets are a result of criminal activity.
This is what the courts and lawyers are for, if they can prove under that threshold where those assets came from, they should be released. The issue I think for many is that they can’t prove that and not indict themselves.
Ialnyien t1_j7q9emt wrote
Reply to comment by ItsMeTK in Exonerees in Mass. state drug lab scandal want their seized property and money back by ak47workaccnt
In the law you’re not proven innocent, you’re proven not guilty. There is a difference and that difference matters.
Ialnyien t1_j7q6ojx wrote
Reply to Exonerees in Mass. state drug lab scandal want their seized property and money back by ak47workaccnt
Speaking from direct experience.
My family member got off from this with no repercussions outside of the asset forfeiture.
That member was guilty as all heck, and deserved to spend time for dealing.
Instead they were given a clear second chance with no history.
There is no best answer here, as many of these individuals are guilty. In my opinion they should take the win they got and move on.
If some were wrongly convicted/ assets stolen, by all means return their stuff, but if they can prove being the 50% likelihood it was criminal activity, it should not be returned.
Ialnyien t1_j2j3rtu wrote
Reply to comment by pustak in College Freshman by Nugget_4758
The family is also heavily involved and takes most of the profits from the company, they also have local news wrapped around their finger.
Ialnyien t1_iz7o5jx wrote
Reply to comment by Bobbydadude01 in Massachusetts, New England grocery stores ranked by consumer nonprofit by JBupp
More the produce and meat quality. Center aisles are not different, just price
Ialnyien t1_iz7o1bp wrote
Reply to comment by WilcoLovesYou in Massachusetts, New England grocery stores ranked by consumer nonprofit by JBupp
None in the Springfield area, closest price chopper is Windsor, CT and it’s a pit.
Ialnyien t1_iz53vz3 wrote
It’s incredible the lack of choices in western Massachusetts for supermarkets. Stop and shop quality is atrocious, big y is overpriced, and the local ones have little options.
I’d kill for a market basket or Wegmanns out here. Even a whole food in the Springfield area would be a godsend
Ialnyien t1_iz4v35j wrote
Reply to You have been hired by the government to anger as many people as you can. You can only change/add one thing. What is it? by spicymeme420
Bring back toll booths on the pike.
Ialnyien t1_ixsxo4o wrote
Reply to comment by Suitable-Biscotti in MA tax refund- is anyone still waiting for theirs? by mmmaru28
I commented on this already, but go to the more tab, then in bottom right still shows refunds
Ialnyien t1_ixrq9uy wrote
Reply to comment by SharpCookie232 in MA tax refund- is anyone still waiting for theirs? by mmmaru28
To be fair, I wouldn’t promote that piece of trash either. When I say it’s clunky, I’m being generous
Ialnyien t1_ixr4yur wrote
Reply to comment by utollwi in MA tax refund- is anyone still waiting for theirs? by mmmaru28
Just logged in on desktop, if you go to the more tab, in the bottom right hand corner, under other actions, is view taxpayer refunds, that should show you if it’s been issued yet
Ialnyien t1_ixr47f2 wrote
Reply to comment by utollwi in MA tax refund- is anyone still waiting for theirs? by mmmaru28
I’m on my mobile at the moment, but I know I looked at prior years returns, it shows in there. The system is clunky to say the least
Ialnyien t1_ixr23in wrote
Reply to comment by lmc152 in MA tax refund- is anyone still waiting for theirs? by mmmaru28
I had an account, but the website sucks in my opinion. Just have to follow the links once you’re logged in, there should be an option to view activity
Ialnyien t1_ixqy5h1 wrote
Still waiting but tax connect website says they printed my check this past Wednesday.
Ialnyien t1_ixg8zj2 wrote
Reply to comment by grasslife in TIFU by asking my momma if I could eat candy by groundhoggrey
You ever seen those Black Friday lines that start at noon on Thanksgiving? That’s how those people celebrate.
Ialnyien t1_irzawrv wrote
Reply to comment by stuartroelke in Getting Paid Lunches in MA by stuartroelke
Eating lunch is not a basic right. You have a good thought but I would highly recommend you steer away from the hyperbole.
If you are prevented from leaving the premise of your employer, I would think they’d have to pay you for that. That was always a stipulation is that if they require you to be present during your lunch, it should be paid.
Ialnyien t1_jdwmeah wrote
Reply to comment by dan420 in Is there any way to find out what kind of subsidies/considerations Amazon received for the warehouses and half built Amazon Freshes that are sitting empty all over the state? by Happy_rich_mane
They have good employees but it’s essentially run by a group of people that are as transparent as a brick wall, you just don’t hear about it much because they have the local news in their pocket. They also have no desire to improve, only to the extent it affects their image.