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itsgreater9000 t1_jdye8y2 wrote

oh, i absolutely agree. i just think in this case it's not explicitly malice, although i could be convinced otherwise. i DO think that the way tech companies are run are somewhere between stupid and malicious, still not sure on which side of the line they're on yet. but i doubt there's any corruption happening at a large scale.


Happy_rich_mane OP t1_jdyhf7n wrote

You mean other than the systemic corruption of the monied interests backing these companies who control our political system.


itsgreater9000 t1_jdyiggn wrote

right. i'm talking, some low level government official that handles building permits getting handed a bag of money with a big $ symbol on it while a corporate exec twirls his mustache type of corruption


Happy_rich_mane OP t1_jdym4vd wrote

For sure. We’re definitely in the second Gilded Age but the robber barons don’t wear monocles anymore. I think a lot of it comes down to the misalignment of power where a business like Amazon is able to lobby and dictate the terms of contracts while providing very little in concrete guarantees to these local governments.