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DaveDurant t1_jblqb3w wrote

>...The report said Laudon had sex with students both in their dorm rooms and inside his cruiser when he was supposed to be on duty. There were also cases where Laudon didn't respond to radio calls, according to a former co-worker and student quoted in the report.



notgoodwithmoney t1_jbls94v wrote

Normal cop behavior tbh. Don't forget about their other statistics. ACAB


BOOMERS_BEGONE t1_jbmeh2a wrote

The sad part is the suburbanites who were conditioned into groveling to the cops

They have no idea and they’re millenials. Another generation of spineless cowards who think the filthy pigs are there to protect them

Most white people have not a clue, they’re sheltered and benefit from the system. Subsequently they’re conditioned into closing their eyes when it comes to reforming police


fooooooooooooooooock t1_jbmyihe wrote

You'd think even if these people don't give a fuck about sexual assault, they'd get all up in arms about this guy not responding to calls.