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MASKcrusader1 t1_jbudoj4 wrote

Yes but the models always fail to account for the Valley


KosherNazi t1_jbv01b9 wrote

That’s not true. is always pretty accurate and the current forecast for this storm is 1 inch.


steph-was-here t1_jbv2i7x wrote

ya the snow/rain is really not going to be bad, its the wind that's the big thing with this one


Kodiak01 t1_jbv0pu3 wrote

Oh, so NOW we're supposed to blindly believe the guvmint?


petal14 t1_jbxexu9 wrote

Meaning the pioneer valley? I’m in the upper left corner and they’re predicting 1-2’!!! Though this town is in a bit of a valley between the taconics and greylock ranges


MASKcrusader1 t1_jby1lxx wrote

Adams? Williamstown? Yes, I was referring to the pioneer valley.