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SabersSoberMom t1_it7ewcc wrote

There's a town in Saskatchewan Canada named Tisdale. The town motto is, "Land of Rape* and Honey."

*Not sexual assault, but the Rapeseed plant that we get Canola oil from.


SheeEttin t1_it7wisy wrote

The name "canola" was created from "Canada" and "oil, low acid" because putting bottles labeled "rape oil" on supermarket shelves seeemed like a bad idea.

Additional fun fact, rape is a brassica, putting it in the same genus as Brussels sprouts, cabbage, and broccoli--but all of those are actually the same species, Brassica oleracea, just different cultivars!


SabersSoberMom t1_it81bhc wrote

I knew that fun fact...the beauty of mass marketing across international borders