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SirKomlinIV t1_it7vqpn wrote

Fall River is trashier than New Bedford IMO.


Peeeculiar t1_it7zr2c wrote

"New Bedford: We may be run down and depressing, but at least we're not Fall River"


TheMellerYeller t1_it9e051 wrote

Hey, come on, we’ve got… character… and a battleship! Does NB have any of those? Didn’t think so.


SirKomlinIV t1_itag1rl wrote

What makes New Bedford nicer is they put a lot of effort into a nice downtown with local businesses... Fall River lacks that. The big investment in new business is just bringing chains to town. No character.


Goldeverywhere t1_itakv04 wrote

Does New Bedford have the home of a 19th century axe murderer, aka Lizzie Borden? I don't think so.


Elementium t1_iteuzvw wrote

Fall River is the home of my favorite potential soulmates profile from OKCupid. She started her profile with "All Lives Matter. That being said, I only date black men."

90% match.


SirKomlinIV t1_ithddbd wrote

Too bad she hasn't right swiped you yet.

My favorite potential soulmate wrote in his profile he "identifies as vaccinated" and "will make fun of you if you wear a face diaper". Still waiting for that match notification 🤞

Fun dating on the Southcoast.