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LetsPlayCanasta t1_iub3gxt wrote

>“Every single one of those pieces of property my wife and I have bought and sold, we got through hard work and sweat. I am not a trust fund baby.”
His real estate records reflect that work, and considerable savvy: His properties have risen greatly in value over the years, and he holds almost all of them in trusts, “for liability reasons,” he said, adding that he always treats his tenants well, and charges them below-market rent because he knows working people need housing.

It sounds like this cranberry farmer has been working and investing his whole life and has achieved success in the process.

Why should he be punished with an additional tax?


MattOLOLOL t1_iub8t3s wrote

He's not being punished, that's just how taxes work.


socialist_frzn_milk t1_iubjmdh wrote

Also, the idea that the success he “achieved” was not off the backs of all the people that work for him is certainly a take


guesswhatihate t1_iucygl3 wrote

They could have worked for someone else


socialist_frzn_milk t1_iuczyxz wrote

Exactly, so if anything, this jerkoff should be grateful that he can improve the lives of the people who made him successful by paying a pittance more in taxes.


guesswhatihate t1_iud0htt wrote

Or his employees should be thankful for the job he let them have, and with all the other taxes already in place, Massachusetts can make do with what it already collects.


socialist_frzn_milk t1_iud0sra wrote

Gonna go ahead and guess you’re a boomer because only boomers and their selfish-ass mindset use phrases like “employees should be grateful”


guesswhatihate t1_iud8p38 wrote

Nope thirty five. Worked for everything I have, can't justify additional taxes when the state collects enough as it is.


chadwickipedia t1_iudeuf6 wrote

Well since you likely aren’t making over $1Mil a year, it won’t effect you


SouthShoreSerenade t1_iud2o4n wrote

>the job he let them have,



guesswhatihate t1_iud8ypw wrote

Reality often is. If you can't work for yourself, you work for someone else. Have an issue? work somewhere else; isn't that what people like you were screaming when others got fired over vaccine mandates?


guesswhatihate t1_iucyjla wrote

Yeah, there's already taxes in place. The Additional ones would be considered punitive.


LetsPlayCanasta t1_iube1p0 wrote

Make no sense. An extra tax is being imposed simply for business success.


MattOLOLOL t1_iubi4f8 wrote

No, this would be a tax according to the business success.


LetsPlayCanasta t1_iubj77c wrote

He would already pay 5% on whatever he makes, just like everybody else in MA.

Question #1 is asking him to pay more just because he's more successful.


Mary10123 t1_iudndmd wrote

He does literally pay more it’s a flat tax percentage not a flat tax amount. I’m not decided but just want people to be clear on that.


guesswhatihate t1_iucyo2m wrote

This is the point they like to ignore and circle back to "make more tax more, we live in a society, etc"


spenwallce t1_iubej3c wrote

So should we tax the poor people? Poor dude is going to have a little less money than he already does.


LetsPlayCanasta t1_iubfilj wrote

We have a flat tax. The millionaire is already paying $50K.

What gives you the right to stake a claim on somebody else's money?


spenwallce t1_iubg3xt wrote

Stake a claim on someone else’s money? Do you think the taxes go to me?


chadwickipedia t1_iudf7hu wrote

Why not? If he makes over $1Mil a year he can afford it. By the sounds of it, he doesn’t, so it wouldn’t effect him anyway.