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Comrade-SeeRed t1_iu9p7zf wrote

Is there an Eastern Massachusetts? I’ve heard of this fabled city called Boosetown, where the streets are all one-ways and people say, “youse” but I’m convinced it’s a myth.


Past-Adhesiveness150 t1_iuaidhd wrote

When your from eastern MA, you just say your from Boston.


Comrade-SeeRed t1_iuarmbx wrote

When you tell your out-of-state friends you’re from western MA, they ask, how close is that to Boston?


Comrade-SeeRed t1_iuarbt2 wrote

Is it pronounced like Bow-stone or Boss-ton? Didn’t something famous happen there once?

Just kidding, of course. I’m just mocking the obliviousness of some of the Bostonian respondents.

I grew up in Miami, FL and we would say the same thing if you asked us about Orlando, Tallahasee or Jacksonville but those at their closest are a 4 hours drive away. Western MA is less than an hour and a half, two hours at most. That’s like driving from Miami to West Palm Beach. Driving to Jacksonville from Miami is the equivalent of driving to Canada from Boston.