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Chippopotanuse t1_iribq1d wrote

> “After our Fenwick game last night, there was a group of parents that if there wasn’t a fence that I was concerned for my safety,” said Chace.

This is a high school football coach saying this. He probably played Hs football himself and doesn’t look like a small/weak guy. I’m sure he can handle his own.

So if he’s afraid for HIS safety…holy shit, how insane are these parents?

And with Aqib Talib starting a fight that turned fatal, and now Legarette Blount trying to assault folks…I don’t blame this coach one bit.

And for parents who think being a tough-ass who yells and degrades and assaults coaches or refs when you think they are doing your kid wrong…lemme take y’all back to Thomas Junta.

He was a 6’3” 275 lb teamster trucker. He bludgeoned a Pee Wee ref to death after a hockey game in Reading because he felt the ref wasn’t calling checks against his son. His own son was screaming at him to stop during the murder. The ref’s 3 kids witnessed their dad being killed.

And Junta goes to jail. Dies of cancer at 58 after getting out.

But here’s the legacy;

  • Junta’s kid Quinlan (who was yelling at his dad to stop)? Dead by 21. Was arrested for serious felonies by the age of 20.

  • Ref’s kid? Also dead at a very young age. Also had immense criminal record by the time of death.

Turns out having an explosive and violent asswipe for a dad who spends your formative years in jail is really goddamn hard to escape.

As is watching your dad get murdered by other parents.

I wish high schools and sports leagues took a ZERO TOLERANCE policy on this stuff. It’s just youth sports. Any threat of violence from parents ought to earn the parents and/or the kid a ban.

Good for this coach for resigning. You can’t please some of these parental maniacs.


77bobcat t1_irjyxzu wrote

Junta killed another parent not a ref. Not sure what’s worse.


Chippopotanuse t1_irk24xl wrote

Yeah, seems like it was some weird in-between thing:

> Costin died after July 7, two days after he became involved in a dispute with Junta at a rink in Reading, police say. Costin had been out on the ice supervising a group of youngsters, including his three sons and Junta’s son.

> The youngsters’s hockey game was supposed to be non-contact, but police say Junta became agitated when things got rough and some of the young players engaged in checking.

So, a parent, on-ice, trying to help kids playing informally. Wasn’t a sanctioned game, and yet Junta wanted that parent to blow more whistles?

Just a sad shitty situation all around. Those kids all had their lives ruined by Junta that day.


SouthShoreSerenade t1_irgukv3 wrote

High school sports parents behaving like reprehensible beasts? That neeevvveeerr happens! I'm so shocked!


steelymouthtrout t1_irgvhf7 wrote

What a disgrace. Entitled, elitist spoiled parents.

I would suspend the whole program until the issue is addressed head on with the parents who caused this man to resign.

Don't pour any more money into coaching salaries until the idiot bullies in the stands know how to act. Absolutely shameful.


SouthShoreSerenade t1_irgwi74 wrote

>I would suspend the whole program until the issue is addressed head on with the parents who caused this man to resign.

I would agree with you, but I imagine it is as the coach says in the article, "I think they’re trying their best, but with the dynamics of it being a school you pay go to, I think sometimes their hands are tied".

Parents, specifically the vocal minority who are aggressive, dangerous, and of the shouldn't-be-allowed-to-have-children sort, are gaining power over many schools now, and I can definitely see that being true for a private school like Spellman which simply isn't prestigious in the least yet still charges a premium.


Meat_Popsicles t1_irimemv wrote

> which simply isn't prestigious in the least yet still charges a premium.

I feel like that's most private schools.


Fuzzlybear333 t1_irh1bil wrote

It is disgusting that grown adults would treat this coach with such disrespect. I hope the parents wise up, though I doubt it. The school should absolutely not allow this, whether private or not.


BannedMyName t1_irh3d2k wrote

Between this and that kid with the cotton picking prom sign at Trinity in NH New England Catholic high schools ain't lookin great right now.

But fuck public education right? Just for the poors.


zelticgar OP t1_irjpfs7 wrote

This happens in public schools as well. Pretty sure Andover had parental issues that resulted in their volleyball and hockey coaches getting suspended or quitting. I can only speak for my kids Catholic school but they would not put up with parents stepping out of line. Coaches have a team meeting with parents before the season to lay out the ground rules and the AD and Admin will step in if anyone misbehaves.