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Potato_Octopi t1_iry5ztg wrote

If you want more pay just ask for that. I don't see why "paid lunch" is a compelling argument. You're not working, nor doing work prep. You're taking care of yourself just like breakfast, dinner or whatever. The fact that leaving the worksite can be inconvenient due to travel time is.. whatever.


mrlolloran t1_iry6zzb wrote

If I want more pay I don’t need some random person Reddit to encourage me to ask for a raise. Or did you not understand when I said I would not benefit because I only work 8 hours a day and advocating for what you think is right for other people to get a foreign concept to you?

I work an 8 hour shift and my boss is laid back. I can go to the bathroom whenever the fuck I want without people counting the time it takes or the amount trips I make. I intermittent fast by choice so I don’t need a lunch break but he has offered to work something out if I ever do need a real break. I personally am fine, but that doesn’t mean that I think everybody should have to do things the way I do them.