Potato_Octopi t1_jefrkq5 wrote
Reply to ELI5:Why do we exclude the price of things like Food, Housing and Energy costs when looking at the total number for inflation? by DeludedRaven
We don't. All those items are included in CPI. The basic premise of your question is wrong.
Potato_Octopi t1_jeegal8 wrote
Reply to comment by OptimusCannabis in $FRC Trade idea by Famous_War5848
BAC? Great. Preferreds went back and up over par. Best lot was buying L series at like 250.
Potato_Octopi t1_ject13x wrote
Reply to $FRC Trade idea by Famous_War5848
Nah, same play I made. Did the same with BAC back in 2008ish.
Potato_Octopi t1_jae0ql1 wrote
Reply to Northampton to use pandemic relief dollars for 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' manhole covers by Boston1_
That's a cool idea. Good fit for main st.
Potato_Octopi t1_jaalzdd wrote
Reply to comment by cbusoh66 in US Pending Home Sales Surge 8.1%, Most Since June 2020 — Bloomberg by cbusoh66
Mortgage rates came down over the past few months, and prices have come down a bit too.
Demand is still down quite a bit though.
Potato_Octopi t1_ja0wy6n wrote
I'd say take a break, and binge it next time you're horribly sick and have nothing better to do.
Potato_Octopi t1_j9ru5o4 wrote
Reply to comment by elysium311 in People are leaving Mass. Thoughts? by Original_Musician103
Yes, the state is too Boston-centric. That's my point. You're not focusing less on Boston by keeping jobs in Boston and forcing longer commutes. There needs to be opportunities elsewhere.
Potato_Octopi t1_j9or9di wrote
Reply to comment by charons-voyage in People are leaving Mass. Thoughts? by Original_Musician103
I think Western mass itself needs a better job market. Commuting to Boston is still Boston.
Industries like to cluster, so w. Mass needs different industries.
Potato_Octopi t1_j9n8a8u wrote
The state is too Boston-centric. Everyone's piling in to Boston, complaining about cost, while other parts of the state are more affordable.
Potato_Octopi t1_j88bwmj wrote
Reply to Beaver watching in Mass (or NE in general)? by ThaMac
Assabet has beavers and beaver dams. Seen them a few times too.
Potato_Octopi t1_j7iy0re wrote
Reply to comment by wkomorow in Department of Public Utilities Approves Reductions to Winter Gas Supply Rates by wkomorow
The gas part should fall more. Dec gas was like 6.79, vs Feb at like 3.10. March is looking lower.
Potato_Octopi t1_j7iqrj7 wrote
Reply to comment by paranoia2mb in Department of Public Utilities Approves Reductions to Winter Gas Supply Rates by wkomorow
I'd assume more reductions later. Prices crashed for Feb and onward delivery.
Potato_Octopi t1_j76v2dl wrote
I remember -13 before wind chill in the past. But yeah it cold.
Potato_Octopi t1_j6p3zer wrote
Reply to comment by Viv3210 in Eli5: when will oceans actually start rising? by Just_a_happy_artist
You're not going to notice 9 inches over 100 years vs the daily rise and fall of tides.
Potato_Octopi t1_j64j3rc wrote
Reply to comment by YachtingChristopher in Energy consumption in the US from 1776-2014 by MCgamingMC
Yeah eia has buttloads of data.
Potato_Octopi t1_j62bo80 wrote
Reply to comment by YachtingChristopher in Energy consumption in the US from 1776-2014 by MCgamingMC
A lot of the petroleum is for transport. Not much is electricity generation.
Potato_Octopi t1_j6201jp wrote
Reply to comment by YachtingChristopher in Energy consumption in the US from 1776-2014 by MCgamingMC
Kind of doubt we'd have great EVs 30 years ago.
Potato_Octopi t1_j5xd5m8 wrote
Reply to Sign the petition to outlaw the the use of "autist" and "re**ard" on r/wallstreetbets by SoggyLog2321
What word is "re**ard"? Regard would just have one asterisk.
Potato_Octopi t1_j5x4gq6 wrote
Reply to Gaming in the 80’s by Rainsdrop
Really nice picture. TV needs more wood ;)
Potato_Octopi t1_j5kqhk4 wrote
Reply to comment by oldkingcoles in Steam Deck Is Reaching Its Limits in Games Like Plague Tale: Requiem by ardi62
Similar use on my end and can't wait for Octopath 2.
Potato_Octopi t1_j5f4a8a wrote
Reply to comment by Matt_Riley2010 in The dichotomy of FT by Johs92
You can collect unemployment in an at will state.
Potato_Octopi t1_j5eo5q6 wrote
Reply to comment by CaptainStonks in The dichotomy of FT by Johs92
If you're laid off your income doesn't fall to zero.
Potato_Octopi t1_j5dfcr7 wrote
Reply to comment by DisconnectedDays in The dichotomy of FT by Johs92
Household debt isn't in a bad spot. It's historically low relative to income.
Potato_Octopi t1_j2kl04f wrote
Usually colder, it's another la Nina year or something.
Potato_Octopi t1_jefs9ax wrote
Reply to comment by DeludedRaven in ELI5:Why do we exclude the price of things like Food, Housing and Energy costs when looking at the total number for inflation? by DeludedRaven
CPI shows all categories that consumers spend money on. You can exclude whatever parts you want to exclude for whatever reason. But it's all in there as a starting point. You can look at actual CPI reports for free you know..