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PakkyT t1_iuisb2g wrote

To get a Real ID you need to prove you are a citizen. Therefore immigrants who get a license will only get a standard license which will clearly state it isn't a federal ID. As such there will be no "voter registration" going on with that person by the RMV.

In addition, most people here undocumented are not going to try and register to vote because "non-citizen who submits a voter registration application may be subject to deportation proceedings." and why would they go out of their way to make themselves a focus of immigration officials?


Wise-Craft2113 t1_iuiw4z5 wrote

Understood but they will also issue "regular" licenses and it's this process i'm asking about in terms of voter registration (VR). Now perhaps they won't give that VR option unless you are applying for a Real ID, which would be fine of course and even logical.


PakkyT t1_iuj1uxy wrote

They won't give you the option if you are not getting a real ID because "if your citizenship has not been confirmed by the RMV, MassHealth, or the Health Connector, you will not be registered to vote." And if you are not providing the documents to the RMV for a Read ID license then they can not have confirmed your citizenship and therefore they are not going to register you to vote.