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Banea-Vaedr t1_iu0rqji wrote

What about them? Nobody checks them. Most safety inspections are an absolute joke. I've sent cars with serious issues into an inspection and gotten a clean bill of health before.


JaesopPop t1_iu0ru81 wrote

You’re sort of just glossing over that little tidbit.


Banea-Vaedr t1_iu0s4to wrote

Which aspects?

Let it be clear, I've never paid a bribe to an official. But I've driven a lot of junk cars over the years because I can't stomach 25k for a new car that's worth 10k after 2 years. I've gone in expecting to be failed for glaring issues and gotten nothing.


JaesopPop t1_iu0s774 wrote

The one thing I said lol.


Banea-Vaedr t1_iu0sdd9 wrote

The cameras? They do crime out of frame and simply pass the car.


JaesopPop t1_iu0sgjx wrote

There’s five cameras and parts they use a handheld camera for, when are they out of frame lol


Banea-Vaedr t1_iu0smb1 wrote

They simply put the camera down, walk into the waiting room, and say something like "hey, your tires are no good, I'm gonna need to rotate them for $40 each and you're good to go. Or I can go back and take another look at the car..."


JaesopPop t1_iu0su8p wrote

Friend, the cameras are pointing at the car. The car they are inspecting.

And telling someone they need to buy your services isn’t asking for a bribe, it’s extorting them lol


Banea-Vaedr t1_iu0t0d4 wrote

I'm familiar with the cameras. The cameras can't see if your steering column is fucked up, or how rotted your fender is, or if your headlights meet the brightness requirement.


JaesopPop t1_iu0thbb wrote

They can definitely see two of those within reason


Banea-Vaedr t1_iu0tm64 wrote

Not really. The depth of body rust is difficult to gage visually, much less on those shit ass cameras. Same for the lights; they don't know how bright they are.


JaesopPop t1_iu0tpk5 wrote

Yeah cameras don’t have any perception of brightness.


Banea-Vaedr t1_iu0trwn wrote

Not in a specific and measurable way, no. They're not exactly HD


JaesopPop t1_iu0tz6o wrote

It doesn’t need to be specific and measurable. Once someone passes someone who clearly has lights too bright that’s going to be enough to end up with them in trouble.

Inspection stations aren’t risking their business and the five figures they’ve invested into being able to do them for your $20.


Banea-Vaedr t1_iu0u4nx wrote

It does, in fact. It also doesn't account for lights that are too dim. Not that anybody checking.

I assure you, many are.


JaesopPop t1_iu0u97b wrote

> It does, in fact.

It doesn’t.

>I assure you, many are.

I assure you, they aren’t


Banea-Vaedr t1_iu0uogd wrote

Believe what yoy want. Next time you see a rusted out truck and wonder "how'd that even pass?", remember that it passed for like $40 in bribes to the inspector.