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SouthShoreSerenade t1_itx9akv wrote

Keep living in fear of daddy multimillionaire taking his ball and going home.


-Horatio_Alger_Jr- t1_itxc31l wrote

I am not sure what you mean by that.

Do you want the state to take from the people, or do you want people to stand up to the state?


SouthShoreSerenade t1_itxdjsb wrote

I absolutely want every parasite to have their ill-gotten gains redistributed fairly to make a better society. I want to see a frown on the face of everybody who somehow rakes in over $1 million each year when they are told they have to give more back to a society where most people don't clear that much in a decade. I want them to threaten to flee, to try to extort, to attempt blackmail, and all of it to come to nought when the people arrive at their front doors with spoons and forks.

Hope that clears up your confusion.


-Horatio_Alger_Jr- t1_itxqklq wrote

So you want to be a slave to the state, am I understanding you correctly?


GWS2004 t1_itz52ob wrote

Your fear tactics aren't working here. Head on back to r/clownservative.