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LetMeSleepNoEleven t1_itpixo8 wrote

No. She was killed by police brutality, as he was killed by police brutality.

For Floyd, it was because of a $20 alleged counterfeit bill; for Amini it was because of a hijab.

In both cases the police are the killer. In one the hijab was the prompt and in the other the $ was the prompt.

So the hijab is analogous to the $, not to the police. The police are analogous to the police.


LochnessIntelChief07 t1_itpqiej wrote

Comparing police brutality in the US to police brutality in Iran, a totalitarian theocracy, is ignorant at best.


LetMeSleepNoEleven t1_itqubo1 wrote

This is just how analogy works. They made the analogy. I pointed out the flaw, analogy-wise.

In any case, one can make analogues between two things in different systems. There’s nothing wrong with that. In each case, police killed a citizen without cause.


The-Shattering-Light t1_itpu1el wrote

No it’s really not.

US police kill with impunity members of many minority groups.


LochnessIntelChief07 t1_itpvph6 wrote

You’re right, it’s not “ignorant at best.” I was being diplomatic. Comparing US police to Irans religious police enforcing a dictators vision of sharia law, is fucking dumb.
