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SileAnimus t1_iunj524 wrote

>and that would buy everyone in the state a few hours of heat.

Good then, because the issue is that there might be a shortage under extreme situations like a cold snap, which results in only a potential service loss of a few hours


stackinpointers t1_iunw12v wrote

Did you read the article? Money won't fix that problem


SileAnimus t1_iuozgf7 wrote

Money is literally the only barrier to not relying on gas for heating, are you daft?


stackinpointers t1_iuufvr3 wrote

No, actually it turns out there's more to it. If you, you know, read the fucking article


SileAnimus t1_iuupxb7 wrote

I think you are illiterate and didn't understand what I just said in my comment. Why do we use Natural Gas as a sole heating source in homes? The answer: Because people don't want to/can't spend the extra money on other forms of heating.

Good job using your huge brain though. Really showed me.


stackinpointers t1_iuw5mao wrote

If only your big brain could understand how far $3/per home would go toward this winter's shortage.

It's fortunate for Mass that we don't have idealistic idiots like you doing anything important. Keep barking up the wrong tree while the adults solve the problems at hand.

I mean really, you're going to spend a few million on heat pump incentives instead of lobbying the federal government for help? Give me a fucking break


SileAnimus t1_iuye90k wrote

You're one of those kids who didn't pass basic thresholds in math at middle school, aren't you?

Again, I understand you are stupid, but use your brain for a second. What is the literal only barrier to converting homes from gas-only heating to gas and heat pumps?

I mean it, really, stretch those smooth lobes you have up there: Why don't people have heat pumps in their home to augment gas heating?

It's money. Literally just that.

I'm sorry if you're illiterate and didn't understand what I said in my comment. I am not paid you to educate on home heating systems.


stackinpointers t1_ivdzbmg wrote

30 billion.

That's the lower bound on what it would cost to retrofit 2m nat gas Mass homes with heat pumps. Of course this ignores the fact that the labor to get it done in time for this winter is non-existent at the scale required.

And your big idea for our natural gas shortage this winter is to take 4.7m from the man to get started.

You're 0.015% of the way there, leaving 99.98% of homes wishing we had the CEO of eversource back. Great work math wiz.


SileAnimus t1_ive1rlk wrote

Amazing numbers to pull out of your ass considering that Mass only has 1.5 million homes that use natural gas at all. And even then, you don't have to convert every single home to not use natural gas. You just have to convert enough of them to offset the made up natural gas shortage. I understand that this is a hard thing for you to understand though. Let me put it in simple terms for you: When you got too many trees, you take out enough so you don't have too many trees, you don't fell every forest until there are no trees. Make sense?

And no offense, but if you've ever worked with or interacted with Eversource you'd know for a fact that their CEO does jack shit. You should know this since being a CEO and president is a part time job, seeing as Nolan is also the director of seven other different companies. He could disappear and nothing would change. A CEO's job has nothing to do with business operations.

Hell, if Eversource wanted they could also build LNG storage stations, similarly to other states that rely on natural gas. But you know, that would require them to do their job as an energy supplier. So that's out of the gate.

But anyways, this kind of all goes back around to you ignoring the obvious statement that money is literally the only reason why this is an issue at all. Gas supply is only in a shortage because there's nothing that stops natural gas production from being shorted for profit. Massachusetts also has no regulation regarding cost of municipal supplies such as natural gas. There is no disaster coming other than the natural consequence of manufactured greed.