
SileAnimus t1_jdkdmf9 wrote

You need to remember that just about every single country in Latin America has had its government either overturned or infiltrated by the United States in the past 50-70 years. The governments instilled in those countries are more like the Republican party, and thus, Republicans seem like a more comfortable choice for Latin Americans than something like Democrats- whose puppet equivalent in those countries are useless seat fillers meant to showcase "how good the conservatives are in comparison". Latin American politics is just a more extreme version of USA politics but with the without what little façade the USA pretends to have.

It's not really weird.

Also, just about every US president, Republican or Democrat has put immigrants (legal or otherwise) into cages and split families, or conveniently let them be slave to farms and hotels. To immigrants, there's no difference between the parties.


SileAnimus t1_jdafy8o wrote

Every day out there somewhere there is a selfish person being told by a therapist that it's okay for them to be a bit more selfish. It's not a matter of mental health as much as just outright lack of personal reflection, values, or any other humbling experience. Everyone by default would act the way he did unless they've had some experience in their life teaching them otherwise. It's entitlement.


SileAnimus t1_jcx3ar2 wrote

Nope, if you send in a mod mail message he bans you (like he did to me You'd have to directly message one of the other subreddit mods for them to do something. But you can't see who mods a subreddit after you're banned.

Can you comment on the way this guy acts by any chance, /u/Ky1e? The new subreddit mod for /r/massachusetts, Linux, is straight up running the sub into the ground and banning users that didn't violate any rules (such as me).

Edit: Oh god, it's basically just ky1e, everyone else is either bot or dead accounts. The new guy basically runs the whole subreddit. That's awful.

Edit 2: Ayyy he blocked me.


SileAnimus t1_jcx32rv wrote

It's basically that mod's subreddit for bragging and gloating about how he moderates. Every post you see there is him gloating to someone he banned for whatever reason.

For example, when he banned me for asking why comments were being deleted on his ICC spam post, he refused to reply to my message asking why he banned me (see the chat log here:

He then immediately posted this post on his subreddit.


SileAnimus t1_jcx2783 wrote

That mod also is trying to use Ukraine to karma farm points. When people asked why he was posting about that on the Massachusetts subreddit he responded by banning multiple people. See the deleted comments here (set the drop down to show all comments).

When I sent a modmail question asking why so many comments were being deleted, he responded by banning me. Here is the chatlog.

Power tripping facebook content moderator getting off from not having anything meaningful to do at his janitorial job by banning people on a subreddit he managed to get mod status in. Either that or he's still reeling from his divorce from 8 years ago that he rants about all the time on his subreddit (I am not going to link to those posts out of privacy, but they are public on his profile).

Dude's fucked up, should not be a moderator.

Update: He has locked OP's thread.


SileAnimus t1_j8m0y15 wrote

> would be figuring out how it is per mile road spending in MA is so damn high even those the roads suck

Because the asphalt is never cleaned and sealed. But to clean and seal the asphalt you need to close down each road for 2-5 days. Do you think we could pass that?


SileAnimus t1_j8lz3hd wrote

Teachers and public employees are fundamental to the long term viability and smooth operation of any nation. By encouraging employees to quit, or outright stating that improving working conditions through striking is not acceptable, you are directly stating that we should actively ruin the quality of this nation within two generations just because... teachers might be able to make what they're worth. Those people working those classrooms are more important than nearly everything you have ever done in your life and actively improve the nation in a way you evidently cannot fundamentally understand.

If your life is so shallow you don't know how much of an affect a "job" can have on a community, in the short and long term, then you shouldn't be talking about something as the fundamental as teachers being allowed to strike for what they are worth.

And no, a job, especially those in the extreme low end of pay, such as teachers, aren't something that most people can just "quit at any time". That's not how personal finances and anything resembling common economic sense looks like.