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Ialnyien t1_ixqy5h1 wrote

Still waiting but tax connect website says they printed my check this past Wednesday.


lmc152 t1_ixqy8y2 wrote

What’s the website?


Ialnyien t1_ixr23in wrote

I had an account, but the website sucks in my opinion. Just have to follow the links once you’re logged in, there should be an option to view activity


SharpCookie232 t1_ixrnxil wrote

Thank you for posting this. I had no idea it existed. They're doing a great job of promoting it /s.


Ialnyien t1_ixrq9uy wrote

To be fair, I wouldn’t promote that piece of trash either. When I say it’s clunky, I’m being generous


Suitable-Biscotti t1_ixsxgtl wrote

Any idea how to do this if you didn't get a refund? I owed $23 last year. Similar preceding years.


Ialnyien t1_ixsxo4o wrote

I commented on this already, but go to the more tab, then in bottom right still shows refunds


Suitable-Biscotti t1_ixsxsku wrote

I can't make an account bc i didn't have a refund for three years and don't have a letter inviting me to do so...


mmmaru28 OP t1_ixwpo1e wrote

Thank you so much for this. I just created the account and saw they printed the check today. So I anticipate it coming next week.


utollwi t1_ixr31ao wrote

I just created an account on that website. Where would it show? The only thing I see is that they received my 2021 return.


Ialnyien t1_ixr4yur wrote

Just logged in on desktop, if you go to the more tab, in the bottom right hand corner, under other actions, is view taxpayer refunds, that should show you if it’s been issued yet


reduser876 t1_ixrexcs wrote

Ty for this. I was browsing site but never would have found it. Mine was issued 11/23. Woo hoo. Amount smaller than expected. Boo hoo.


Ialnyien t1_ixr47f2 wrote

I’m on my mobile at the moment, but I know I looked at prior years returns, it shows in there. The system is clunky to say the least


plawwell t1_ixrmbj8 wrote

I got mine 6 days after the TaxConnect webpage said it was processed.