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wademcgillis t1_iwytpwe wrote

Guess I'll be using my NUC as my primary computing device instead of my desktop.


wkomorow t1_iwzl3y3 wrote

According to the article, they are also expected to ask for an increase for delivery fees, too. I imagine too many people have selected someone other than Eversource as they supplier, so they are unlikely to reach earning projections unless delivery fees also go up.


SomePolack t1_iwzvqxa wrote

Crazy that the things we all need to survive are managed by people solely motivated by profit. Even crazier that the government gives them handouts constantly and expects us to just make more money somehow? Even when they’re trying to increase interest rates and unemployment.

This economy is completely rigged, “capitalism” my ass.


Sayoria t1_ix070qx wrote

This is ridiculous. They need to be investigated. Absolutely no need to do this shit.


BigE1263 t1_ix09qh3 wrote

On the bright side next year we won’t have blackouts /s


Mechanicjohn12 t1_ix0myhn wrote

This isn’t capitalism, this is corporatism and consumerism.

Capitalism in its essence is free trade; true capitalism would likely result in each county having its own power plants with the ability to offset the needs of others when they are under maintenance/repair, or case of catastrophic failure.


Intrepid_Priority154 t1_ix0u1sf wrote

You all voted for democrats and therefore this. Great job guys.


Intrepid_Priority154 t1_ix1b4au wrote

What’s that? The price of natural gas is up because Brandon refuses to negotiate an end to a war that probably wouldn’t be happening if Trump was president. Brandon current wants to shut down every electric source that isn’t a windmill or solar. Because of these reasons your electric rate is high.


Intrepid_Priority154 t1_ix1co5h wrote

So does yours “there are levels to this shit”.

Seems like you are avoiding some things. Also, the primary way we get electric in this state is natural gas plants (I think nat gas then nuclear). This state now wants to ban natural gas they actually just passed a bill a few months ago that starts that. When natural gas is banned will prices for everything else go up or down? Here is a hint…when we closed all our coal plants has our electric bills gone up or down?


dizzish t1_ix1df9g wrote

I don't disagree with the impact a "Green agenda" has had on our current state of affairs. North America has an abundance of resources, I put more blame on a representation in Congress and the Senate. Their ideals no longer reflect that of the populations they represent. The idea of there being a "Brandon", is meant to trigger you...and it has.


thepasttenseofdraw t1_ix2b4ta wrote

Just got a letter in the mail that our town will be switching over to a CCA. They’re projecting prices of .124 per kw/hr. Is there some downside I’m not seeing? Just about to pull the trigger on solar as well, though these prices make the solar deal I was offered less attractive. Anyone have experience with this, or opinions on it?


thepasttenseofdraw t1_ix2ml7w wrote

Man that jerk, and here I am knowingly paying $.005 more per kw/hr to make sure a greater percentage of my power is generated through wind and solar for a whopping $2.50 more a month on the high outlier in summer. Oh and buying solar for nothing up front. Fuck that guy Brandon and all those liberal heatherns in state government for making all of this the better more affordable choice. Oh and local socialism through a CCA. Theses damn bureaucrats and snowflake liberals saving me a shitload of money. If I was a fucking moron I’d be angry!


Intrepid_Priority154 t1_ix396r3 wrote

More affordable? It’s heavily subsidized. Made in China. It needs rare minerals usually mined by minors. The solar farms around me seem to tear down acres of Forrest to plop these things up.

And I am glad you can afford the extra money because there plenty of families out there that would gladly save the $2.50 a month to go somewhere else. The people holding the bag for the power line and power plant maintenance will all be the poor people because they can’t afford to buy solar panels.


Tacoman404 t1_ix9ledg wrote

You’re applying childlike logic to an issue that is much more complex than that.

Rate hikes are to keep margins the same they wouldn’t be so intense if margins for C suites were not a issue. C suites wouldn’t be in our power grid if it wasn’t privatized. Tip of the iceberg but that’s the point being made.


Intrepid_Priority154 t1_ix9ojg5 wrote

Got it, so yes the increase is going right into the pockets of the c suites.

Not for nothing but that’s a childlike argument you are making. Even if your analysis was remotely accurate, the MA regulators allowed the increase?

Here, there are costs that eversource is allowed to bill us for plus a markup. If eversource needs to produce power using a power plant and the fuel for that power plant goes up, they are allowed to bill us that and a markup. When trump cut federal taxes from 35% to 21% it’s why ratepayers saved on their electric bills.