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Professional_Tree_49 t1_ivsevkb wrote

Thanks for the update! I’ve been checking since they said payments would start going out. Wish it was spent on the greater good, but I also need the funds to cover holiday items for the family.


purplegreenway t1_ivsuug5 wrote

Yes, received my refund. It hit my account after midnight!


hound29 t1_ivt1by2 wrote

Got ours yesterday!


[deleted] t1_ivt7fav wrote

Got mine today too. Happy day!


jp_jellyroll t1_ivtetsb wrote

They should all be paid out by mid-December. Maybe not in time for holiday shopping but, man, I am really not looking forward to my National Grid bills over the next few months... so this will definitely help offset those!


Hot-Cry920 t1_ivti78j wrote

Nothing on mine i was excited for a bit after seeing this


thelok t1_ivtmqz4 wrote

I know it depends on how much you paid in taxes last year but how much are people getting?


jp_jellyroll t1_ivunxpd wrote

Haha, I hear ya. I got burned two years in a row doing online shopping so I'm early with it now.

Either they get lost in transit or marked as "delivered" but never actually delivered. Takes a week to "investigate" and by that time it's too late. Companies can't send a replacement because they're out of stock now or they shipped a new one but shipping is so backed up it doesn't arrive until January. Never again...