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Peeeculiar t1_ixljwhn wrote

What do you mean is EVERYTHING IN THE store free?


WhiplashMotorbreath t1_ixlo5zn wrote

Maybe you should apply.

Lack of help tends to be the trend.

I never look at prices in a minimart. I just expect it to be almost double what it be in a supermarket.


tobiasrfunke t1_ixltqlx wrote

that sounds.............. inconvenient

get it


13E2724M t1_ixlytpx wrote

Yeah those poor oil companies, they are so understaffed. They do this on purpose for the reason you just stated. For those of us that don't drive land rovers and use summer as a verb can't afford to be a pawn of corporatate greed.


WhiplashMotorbreath t1_ixm0goj wrote

You have no idea of what you are talking about. Most mini mart/stations are franchise owned. And make almost nothing on fuel sales, and 95% of the money to keep the employees paid and lights on , comes from the store.

But carry on being IGNORANT


WhiplashMotorbreath t1_ixm0tj1 wrote

You are IGNORANT. Go buy a franchise minimart/fuel station as seen as you know so much. You have no clue about anything to do with this industry at all. or running a business in general.


13E2724M t1_ixm1ga4 wrote

With no corporate oversight and micromanagement from the oil company that they franchise from? I have worked retail for years, if they order fuel far enough in advance, they make plenty on the pumps, I'm just asking that they put price tags on the products they sell so customers know how much they are upcharging for the convenience.


13E2724M t1_ixm255u wrote

Sorry I don't have 150,000 laying around at the moment, I do know it's ILLEGAL in Massachusetts to not put price tags on the items you're selling, unless you have a self price checker system installed.


WhiplashMotorbreath t1_ixm3855 wrote

Yes I know this. price checker is at the front of the store, just ask. "how much is this" The price checker has to be x feet from any one product. the minimart is small enough that the person checking you out, and price checking, is fine. Don't like it shop elsewhere, simple.

The days of price marking each item left the building in ma a decade ago.



13E2724M t1_ixm4e8f wrote

From mass. Gov: "The Massachusetts Item Pricing Law requires:

Food stores, or retailers with food departments, that do not use price scanners must individually price each item in addition to displaying the price on the shelves."


WhiplashMotorbreath t1_ixm58gx wrote

They have a price scanner. it is at the front of the store.

What part of this don't you understand. The law DOES NOT require a self (read customer) price scanner, just one before being rung up.

Good Day. Go report them, troll. Then when the prices are even higher because if the state decides they are outside the letter of the law and fine them, you can bitch some more. The dumb, it hurts.


13E2724M t1_ixm7w13 wrote

So I can just grab the price scanner from behind the counter, turn the monitor to face me and scan items from the store? Oh I will, and that is exactly what the law says. How fucking hard is it to price the items on your shelf? Expect a visit from the division of standards in the near future. Fines for non complience shouldn't be passed on to the customer anyway. Gotta make those boat payments somehow though, right?


WhiplashMotorbreath t1_ixmi26q wrote

Like I said, you have no clue. Wholesale pricing depends on the volume of product you buy, that IS why supermarkets, box stores, amazon, and walmart have cheaper prices, than what a mini mart vendor pricing gets.

And why many minimart owners will go buy their stock at a supermarket when the items are on sale, As they can buy it from the supermarket for less than the wholesale vendor sells it to them. Meaning the Bottle of coke cost them more from the coke vendor than buying it on sale at a supermarket. Same with most of the items in a mini mart that you can also find at a bigger box store.

Again, you have no clue and are IGNORANT!!