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InevitableOne8421 t1_iwfdz0h wrote

Will never understand people who speed up to prevent someone from merging only to be stuck behind the car right in front. If I see someone picking up speed on an on-ramp just ahead of me, I’ll lift my foot off the accelerator to help smooth out traffic (like a sensible human).


mortaymortay t1_iwgkhi3 wrote

My biggest pet peeve about MA drivers: They will speed up to pass you as you try to merge, only to hit their breaks so they can take the exit - instead of slowing down and getting behind you so you can speed up to merge and they can take the exit ramp.


blalala543 t1_iwhgeff wrote

I try to do the “pedal off to lightly decelerate” to let people in if they look like they’re actually accelerating, and they just end up braking and matching my speed and I have to speed up so many times that I just speed up at this point l. It’s so frustrating