
kissmekate48 t1_j6wpqk3 wrote

It sounds like you had a tough examiner, but aside from the yellow (you can definitely cause an accident coming to a full stop on yellow around here), he also had comments about steering, brake pressure, and signaling. Did those make sense to you? If so, you learned a lot and will probably pass next time.

For most people, this is close to the “best” they’ll ever drive, as far as adhering to the law, which is different than the confidence gained through driving over time. So he’s being a stickler and maybe even noticing stuff that could turn into future bad habits. And yes, there are tons of licensed terrible, distracted drivers.

Deep breath, and good luck.


kissmekate48 t1_j6kyd53 wrote

Another one from that show? Are there any homes that small in Lincoln? And as if Lincoln would have a trashy sign in, shudder, gilt letters!

(I haven’t seen this show and it’s bugging me they didn’t try a bit harder.)


kissmekate48 t1_j28mgbv wrote

I have those WS cups and they are great, but more cup than mug. The porcelain is lovely to drink out of, but the 2 important qualities IMO are handle shape/feel and then volume.

China Fair is a really good suggestion—they may even have a guess about the original.

Crate + Barrel has some nice options too:


kissmekate48 t1_j22bddf wrote

Yes, I was going to ask if there’s another pet. That might be reassuring. All of our cats got loud in old age. And the yowling in the night, I think they were calling to be reassured, especially if deafness is an issue. Wasn’t constant. But, when the cat is no longer enjoying life, it’s time to let go. :-(