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PotBaron2 t1_iyvgkyf wrote

so is west and east bridgewater whitman and abington all nice towns try again


SouthShoreSerenade t1_iyvhpk9 wrote

Don't forget Easton and Avon!

...intentionally leaving off Stoughton though. Sorry Stoughton.


PotBaron2 t1_iywqo15 wrote

easton is nice forgot about easton no thank you to avon and stoughton though


lzwzli t1_iyx4nc6 wrote

Why the hate on Stoughton? Full disclosure, I live in Stoughton and I don't feel its bad.


BrockVegas t1_iyvhqfy wrote

You know goddamned well that most have never set a single foot in the town.... But sure do love to shit on it in a nice anonymous chat that


nebirah t1_iyvihps wrote

I'm not most. I've set foot in every town in the south shore and can recommend a restaurant or other business in all of them, but keep on making assumptions about random redditers.


BrockVegas t1_iyvjel0 wrote

Just a mouthy punk though.... No matter what you've convinced yourself of


successiseffort t1_iyvsm9v wrote

Dude Brockton is the Champion City of Potholes


PotBaron2 t1_iz1knar wrote

100% factual they also have the worst drivers in all of new england


PotBaron2 t1_iywr1xp wrote

Brockton is such a shit hole but it doesn’t define the surrounding towns. Name 1 nice thing about Brockton.