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SmellsofElderberry25 t1_iywgibr wrote

Unfortunately not. According to the 2020 update they are evaluating

>new options for groundwater
>remediation that involve injecting chemicals into the
>groundwater plume to prevent arsenic and other
>contaminants from entering groundwater. Because
>the efficiency of the pump-and-treat system has been
>in steady decline, EPA and MassDEP have been
>exploring the potential for alternative treatment
>methods that could result in a faster and more
>effective cleanup.


Ken-Popcorn t1_iyy4lny wrote

Unfortunately not what?


SmellsofElderberry25 t1_iyy6q2m wrote

Unfortunately it was not rigorously (or effectively) cleaned up. I’m glad they they stopped pulling water from that reservoir since I was drinking it!


Ken-Popcorn t1_iyynq1u wrote

I would say that the fact that they built an incinerator on site, then excavated and burned the soil for years, among other measures, is a pretty rigorous cleanup